

    The incidence of breast cancer increases year by year, which has aroused people's great attention. However, the research on this kind of community is more concerned about the problem and inferior position, and strengthened the patient's fear of the disease. This paper uses the case of social work technology, with an advanced breast cancer patient and patient’s families in-depth communication, using the advantage perspective and the reasonable mood therapy method of combining theory, on the case study to conduct the case study, aims to explore the patient's own potential advantages and find that patient can improve the resilience, help patient overcome negative emotions and behaviors, remodels in patients with cognitive behavior and the construction of positive meaning of life, and establishes an optimistic attitude to life to deal with the challenges of the disease. Finally, after more than three months of coaching, patient is more confidence and more sunlight. The social worker's inpidual service has obtained certain result.

    毕业论文关键词:乳腺癌患者; 个案社会工作;介入

    Keyword: Breast cancer patients;Case social work;Intervention

    目  录

    绪论 6

    一、乳腺癌概述 6

    二、乳腺癌患者的困境分析 6

    (一)乳腺癌患者的自身困境 7

    1. 乳腺癌患者的自身生理状态 7

    2. 乳腺癌患者易产生负面情绪 7

    3. 乳腺癌患者易形成认知偏差 8

    (二)乳腺癌患者面临的外界困境 8

    1. 经济压力 8

    2. 家庭内部矛盾 8

    3. 疏离社会、社会排斥和社会疏离 9

    4. 现代医疗技术困境 9

    5. 医疗资源不足 9

    三、对乳腺癌患者进行个案社会工作介入的思考 10

    (一)社会工作概述 10

    (二)对乳腺癌患者进行个案社会工作介入的理论依据 10

    1. 优势视角理论 10

    2. 抗逆力理论 10

    3. 合理情绪疗法 11

    四、对乳腺癌患者的个案社会工作介入探讨 11

    (一)患者A基本信息 11

    (二)对乳腺癌患者困境的个案社会工作介入 12

    1. 制定康复运动计划,促进患者A的肢体功能恢复 13

    2. 通过和患者A聊天,引导其看到自身优势,增强自信

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