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时间:2024-03-26 21:20来源:英语论文
Since Bai Juyi has contributed all his life to his political career, his poems are also featured with strong political complexion。 His poems can be generally classified into three types。 The first

Since Bai Juyi has contributed all his life to his political career, his poems are also featured with strong political complexion。 His poems can be generally classified into three types。 The first type is allegory poem, the typical ones are Watching the Reapers (《观刈麦》) and The Old Charcoal Seller (《卖炭翁》); these works most rest on realities, reflecting the hardships of common people and mocking the drawbacks of the policies then。 The second type is leisure poem; the representative works are A Spring Outing by Qiantang (《钱塘江春行》) and Farewell on an Ancient Meadow (《赋得古原草送别》)。 The third type is narrative poem; the most famous two are The Everlasting Regret  (《长恨歌》), Song of a Pipa Player (《琵琶行》)。 They both reflect the author’s sympathy to the ruled class and the perception of his political career。
