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时间:2024-05-04 09:52来源:英语论文
Multiple Discriminations in the Movie Crash,英语论文电影《撞车》中的多元化歧视解析

Multiple Discriminations in the Movie Crash

Abstract:The film, as an important way of cultural transmission, makes the communication between different cultures more and more frequent, and these frequent exchange activities make the communication between different ethnic groups smooth, but there is still a huge resistance, hindering our communication, that is discrimination. This problem is particularly prominent in the United states. The film Crash, directed by Paul Haggis, with its unique style and story, calls attention to the social problem that has existed in the American society for so long time.

This article attempts to explore the issue of multiple discrimination between different ethnic groups in American society by analyzing the conflicts and discrimination in crash. The whole article is pided into six parts. The first part is the introduction of the film; the second part is the related theories, including the interpretation of racial superiority and Divine Mission and cultural relativism; the third part and the fourth part are analysis and strategies of the problems in the film; and the next part is the discussing and extending of discrimination in China and the sixth is conclusion of the whole thesis.

Keywords: Ethnocentrism;Divine Mission;Cultural Relativism


摘要:电影作为文化传播的重要方式,使得不同文化之间的交流变得频繁。交流活 动的频繁使得不同民族的沟通越来越顺畅,但仍有一个巨大的阻力,阻碍着着我 们的交流,那就是歧视,这个问题在美国显得尤为突出。由保罗•哈吉斯执导的 电影撞车,用其独特的风格和故事内容,呼吁人们关注这个美国社会存在已久的 社会问题。

本文试图通过解析电影撞车中的冲突与歧视画面,探讨美国社会中不同民族 之间的多元化歧视问题。本文共分为六大部分。第一部分是对电影撞车的介绍; 第二部分为相关的理论研究,阐释种族优越论和天赋使命感和文化相对主义等理 论;第三部分和第四部分,分别是对电影中存在的歧视问题进行探讨分析和尝试 着提出一些解决策略;接着是对当前中国存在的歧视的引申和探讨,最后是整篇 文章的结论。

关键词: 民族中心主义;天赋使命感;文化相对主义


Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese....Ⅱ

I. Introduction of the Film 1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Movie Crash 1

1.2 The Intention of the Director of the Movie Crash 2

II. Theories Relating to Ethnicity 4

2.1 Ethnocentrism 4

2.2 Cultural Relativism 5

2.3 Divine Mission 6

Ⅲ.Analysis of Multiple Discriminations in the Film Crash 7

3.1 Background of the Film Crash 7

3.2 Multiple Discriminations 8

3.2.1 Discrimination between the White and Colored 8

3.2.2 Discrimination between the Colored 电影《撞车》中的多元化歧视解析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_203652.html
