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时间:2020-05-08 21:47来源:英语论文
A Brief Study of the Translation Strategy for Culture-Loaded Words英语论文汉语文化负载词的英译策略



Abstract Language is rooted in culture. Culture-loaded words often contain rich humanistic geography, ethnic customs and aesthetic characteristics. Therefore culture-loaded words translation must follow some principles. According to cultural factors proposed by Nida, this paper aims at discussing the translation principles, methods and characteristics of culture-loaded words by combining the characteristics of intercultural communication, Western modern translation theories and cultural-loaded words. The study on the translation strategies of Chinese culture-loaded words strengthens the understanding of the limitations of translation strategies and provides reference for future practice and translation studies.

Key words: Chinese culture-loaded words; Domestication; Foreignization; Translation strategy

 A Brief Study of the Translation Strategy for Culture-Loaded Words


摘  要 i

Abstract ii

I. Introduction 1

II. Culture-Loaded Words 4

2.1 Definition of Culture-Loaded Words 4

2.2 Classification of Culture-Loaded Words 4

III. Methods of Culture-Loaded Words Translation 7

3.1 Literal Translation 8

3.2 Combination of Literal Translation and Free Translation 9

3.3 Transliteration, Substitution and Annotation 10

3.4 Theoretical Framework 10

IV. Analysis of Culture-Loaded Words Translation 11

4.1 Translation of Specific Classification of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 11

4.2 Translation of the Idioms With Social Culture 12

4.3 Translation Strategy for the Linguistic Culture-Loaded Items 13

V. Conclusion 13

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgements 16

I. Introduction With globalization, the communication among nations is more and more flourishing. Therefore, the communication is usually hindered by the perse exist among various cultures. Culture is an integration of such aspects as history, living style, and customs, thinking pattern, art, literary, ideology and values of a nation. It also contains the language of the nation. Lotman (211) pointed out that Language cannot exist unless it is steep in the context of culture, and no culture can exist which doesn’t have at the center the structure of natural language. Due to the persity in cultures made translation needs and born. Translation in terms of cultural meaning is the turn to thinking pattern. It is to translate a language from one culture to another culture which is different from itself both on forms and cultural background. Translation creates communication conditions for people who from different culture. The commonality of human being leads to most of the cultures overlap and made the culture translatable while the unique part of each culture, and called cultural factors, cause cultural gaps between cultures and made it difficult to translate. In recent years, the culture translation has paid for much attention than ever in the field of translation. How to solve the problems occurred in cultural translation and what translation strategy should be adopted for translating the cultural factors have been generally themes in academic discussions. 汉语文化负载词的英译策略:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_51181.html
