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时间:2021-04-25 22:36来源:英语论文
Although many Chinese researchers have made lots of study on translation theories, they give their main focus on the translation of literature languages. Considering the unique features of contract En

Although many Chinese researchers have made lots of study on translation theories, they give their main focus on the translation of literature languages. Considering the unique features of contract English and the researches of the above scholars, the author will analysis the English contract characters first and to find some new translation principles to benefit the further business contract translation. 文献综述

1.2 Methodology

Research of this would depend on a lot of English business contract and some English legal documents. The author first analyses the English contract features and gives a conclusion.  Then coming out with some useful find some new translation principles benefit the further business contract translation. 

2 Lexical Features of English Business Contract

Business contract English shows the accuracy and rigor. Professional expression makes it clarity and ration. Hence, business contract English uses a large number of terminology, archaic words, formal words, loan words, and acronym. This paper gives a detailed analysis on terminology, archaic words and formal words.

2.1 Terminology

Terminology, with accurate, single and unambiguous meaning, has distinct style characteristics. In order to accurately describe each trading link in business activity and some relative documents, a lot of ideographic clear terminologies are used in English business contract style. According to Yan (2011), the widely usage of different terms related to economic, financial, legal, transportation, insurance and other business contract English is decided by the wide range of fields involving in the international trade and the variety of business contracts. These words are used to express accurately professional concept, and its internal and external meanings are very abundant. They are the international fixed vocabulary and play a very important role in business contract. Generally, the terminologies in business contracts can be pided into three categories: legal terms, business terms and common words for special purpose. 来.自/优尔论|文-网www.youerw.com/

First, for describe the mutual rights and obligation accurately in the business activity, English business uses a lot legal terms. According to Mo(2003), the narrow sense of legal terms refers to the special terms only exist in the legal documents. The meaning of these words cannot be changed as the public’s acceptance or understanding. These words have ensured the accuracy of business contracts. For instance, imputed negligence (违约过失责任), legally binding force(法律约束力),the arbitration agencies(仲裁机构). The generalized sense of legal terms refers to the common word attached special legal meaning in the legal documents. For instance, action(诉讼), party(当事人), financial responsibility (经济责任). Such legal terms are inimitable to this variety and raise the pundit of contracts.

Second, for demonstrating the various links and relative receipts in the business activity clearly, lots of business terms can be easily found in contracts, such as the object(标的), remuneration(酬金), procurement(采购), forward purchase(预购). Abundant business terms concisely and accurately communicate the intended content. Following is an example.

Example1: If all the terms and conditions in the credit are not complied with the exporter may run the risk of his draft being dishonored by the bank.
