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时间:2022-12-25 19:07来源:毕业论文



Construction of Enterprise Culture in Small and Medium  Internet Companies

Abstract With the acceleration of science and technology and the continuous and fast development of the network, the Internet companies have become an important part of the contemporary economic system。 Corporate culture as an important intangible capital business, can enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises。 Based on the large number of small Internet business insight, found generally do not ?pay attention to corporate culture, there is a hard landing ?corporate culture, corporate culture neglected, lack of innovation elements of corporate culture and other issues。 To solve these problems, we try to put forward countermeasures to improve the cultural construction of small and medium enterprises in the Internet business,such as timely construction of enterprise culture, more emphasis on people-oriented, strengthening innovation and other elements。

Keywords: small and medium Internet companies; corporate culture; people-oriented


0 引言 1

1。相关概念和理论概述 2

1。1互联网企业的概念和特点 2

1。2企业文化的概念和意义 3

1。3互联网企业企业文化建设的原则和步骤 5

2.中小互联网企业的企业文化现状 7

2。1中小互联网企业的发展环境 7

2。2中小互联网企业的企业文化建设情况 7

3。中小互联网企业企业文化建设中普遍存在的问题 9

3。1“文化落地难”的问题尤为突出 9

3。2高员工流动率导致企业文化建设困难 10

3。3企业文化建设不受重视 10

3。4企业文化中的创新元素不足 11

4.中小互联网企业企业文化建设的改进对策 12

4。1要及时建设企业文化 12

4。2更应该以人为本 12

4。3要充分重视和强化企业文化的落地 13

4。4要加强企业文化中的创新元素 14

4。5要打造有“企业家精神”的企业文化 15

结语 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19



如今互联网已经形成规模,互联网正深刻地改变着人们的工作和生活方式,甚至影响着整个社会的发展。在此背景下互联网思维开始出现并不断发展传播。于是越来越多的互联网企业不断出现。互联网的飞速发展,正深刻改变着社会经济面貌。互联网通过改变企业的经营管理方式,深刻影响着企业的管理模式,冲击着人的思维方式和管理行为,同样也深刻影响着企业文化的建设。 中小互联网企业的企业文化建设研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_114782.html
