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时间:2023-03-19 21:14来源:毕业论文




Abstract: The folk tourism value and material make tourists yearn for the society, the spirit of the Convention。 It is a nation after years of development and changes in specific geographic areas in the form of culture, involving politics, economy, social and environmental aspects of the multiple fit, usually included in the cultural tourism the scope of resources。 The main contents include residential buildings, customs, myths and legends, music and dance, opera art, painting, sculpture, folk art, traditional festivals, weddings and funerals, recreational sports, religious ceremonies, clothing food, hospitality etiquette, fair trade, farming technology。 The development of folk tourism resources, is to spread Folk or folk tourism resources fall into the resources to attract tourists

Tourism is the most active in the tourism industry in the Kashi area, most potential and most ethnic characteristics of the content, carries on the reasonable development and protection can not only promote local farmers and herdsmen poverty as soon as possible, but also to the Kashi area as soon as possible to solve the "three rural" problems, and promote the all-round development of social economy in Kashi area。

The opening of the silk road has a history of over 2000 years。 Kashi is a bright pearl on the Silk Road, played a major role in economic and cultural exchanges。 The Silk Road in the prosperity of the past have been recorded in history, a large number of cultural relics preservation in ancient Kashi and the great role in the communication between China and Western countries, still attracts tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists。 Therefore, the construction of Kashi area distinctive and easy to spread along the Silk Road tourism image is an important part of the potential to stimulate tourists to the tourism and the revival of the silk road。


Key words: Kashi; characteristic tourism; development and protection

目    录

一、绪论 4

(一)研究背景及意义 4源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
(二)民俗特色旅游资源概述 4

二、新疆喀什特色旅游开发现状 7

(一)喀什地区的概述 新疆喀什地区特色旅游开发与保护:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_150264.html
