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时间:2024-09-02 21:41来源:97060









Abstract:Oil tankers and bulk carriers and container ships and called China's design and manufacture of the three major mainstream ship, it's a wide range, and the market demand. Oil tankers are tankers carrying oil or bulk oil. With the substantial increase in oil production and transportation, oil tankers from the early bulk oil tankers to large-scale and professional development.

This paper focuses on the design of the structure of the river oil tanker. First, the size of the main structure of the cargo area and the ship is designed, and then the design calculation and intensity verification are carried out according to the Rules for the Construction of Inland Waterways Steel Ships 2016 . The ship is a steel inland oil tanker, its cargo area with double side and double bottom structure, the bottom of the cargo, side, deck and the end of the use of a vertical skeleton structure.

The main contents of this paper include:

1. Oil tanker profiles, development profiles, prospects, structural design and design issues.

2. Calculation of hull structure specification for 3000t inland oil tanker.

3. Check the strength of the cross section of the cargo space in the ship.

4. Draw a cross section and a basic structure.

Key words: inland oil tanker; structural specification design; cross section; basic structure drawing

第一章 绪论 1

1.1油船简介 1

1.2结构设计的概述 2

1.2.1结构设计的依据 2

1.2.2结构设计的任务 2

1.2.3结构设计的方法 2

1.2.4规范设计的基本步骤 3

1.2.5结构布置的一般原则 3

1.3设计存在的问题 3

第二章 3000t内河油船船体结构规范计算书 5

2.1说明 5

2.2船型参数 5

2.3结构尺寸计算 5

2.3.1外板、内底板及甲板 5

2.3.2船底骨架 9

2.3.3舷侧骨架 12

2.3.4甲板骨架 3000t级内河油船船体结构规范设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204641.html
