    Analysis of the Women's clothing network marketing mode and strategy study
    Abstract: Global economic development has entered the era of information economy. In the period of Chinese clothing e-commerce into explosive growth, B2C clothing network purchasing lead to a change in patterns of consumption, between clothing network marketing, network marketing and traditional marketing way between the fierce competition. Based on women's clothing network marketing as the breakthrough point, through the 4p analysis of the status of China's women's network marketing model and the existing problems, and combined with the network marketing mode of women's clothing store, explore effective women's network marketing strategy in China, with particular emphasis on the heat of the women's network marketing, is not the pure competition and other businesses of high and low prices, but must have their own shops couture "tonality", to make their own characteristics, which will have a fixed customer base.
    Key words: women’s clothing; network marketing ; strategy study
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、 绪论    2
    (一) 研究的目的和意义    2
    1. 课题的研究目的    2
    2. 课题的研究意义    2
    (二) 研究的现状和发展趋势    2
    1. 课题的研究现状    3
    2. 课题的研究发展趋势    3
    二、 女装网络营销的现状和发展趋势    5
        (一)女装网络营销的现状    5
        (二)女装网络营销的发展趋势及4p分析    6
    1. 价格(Price)    6
    2. 产品(Product)    6
    3. 渠道(Place)    7
    4. 促销(promotion)    7
    三、 女装网络营销存在的问题、原因及影响    10
    (一)对产品缺乏信任感、新鲜感    10
        (二)支付方式安全系数低    10
    (三)看网页枯燥无趣    11
    (四)售后服务不理想,缺乏互动    12
    四、 成功女装网店的网络营销模式分析    13
    1. 店面装修夺人眼球    13
    2. 顾客群的建立    13
    3. 服装款式风格独立    13
    4. 自助购物模式及营销理念    13
    (二)“裂帛女装”的网络营销模式    14
    五、 结合成功女装网店探究女装网络营销策略    15
    (一)女装的品牌调性明确清晰    15
    (二)装修与服装风格同步    15
    (三)“同类”搭配现货现拍提高成交率    16
    (四)适时促销活动、“买家秀”增加店铺销量及人气    17
    (五)物流运输勿忽视    17
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