    The Effect Analysis of Product Placement
    ——Case study on webisode wanwanmeixiangdao
    Abstract:Currently, the number of Internet users in China is already more than six hundred million , the network has become a popular medium , especially youth groups use it as the main way to obtain and disseminate information . It has changed our lifestyle and marketing approach In modern society, and provided new commercial marketing channels, including more and more marketing staff pay attention to product placement in microcinema and webisode on networks.In this paper, the webisode " wanwanmeixiangdao " as the research object, using content analysis and network analysis applications data collection methods analysis application strategy and marketing effectiveness of product placement in the play . Study reasons of superb propagation effects and advertising effectiveness, this paper considers environmental factors, the video quality and the new method of placement this three factors, the development of mobile Internet and it’s carrier are the prerequisite for the spread of webisode, the acceleration of the pace of social and fragmentation of leisure time is the driving force of the development of webisode. At the same time, the video quality can affect the marketing effect, is the eternal truth.Finally, how can we make the network miniseries placement to get better results, this paper success factors put forward three proposals based on the case webisode " wanwanmeixiangdao ".
    Keywords:Product placement;Brand placement; Marketing effect; Webisode
    目 录
    一、    绪论    1
    (一)    选题背景及意义    2
    (二)    研究的目的和方法    2
    1、    研究目的    2
    2、    研究方法    3
    (三)    文献综述    3
    二、    植入式广告概述    5
    (一)    植入式广告的定义    5
    (二)    植入式广告的形式    5
    1、    植入手段    5
    2、    植入深度    6
    (三)    与传统广告优势对比    6
    三、    网络短剧《万万没想到》    9
    (一)    剧集简介    9
    (二)    盈利情况    10
    四、    《万万没想到》植入广告效果分析    11
    (一)    营销效果    11
    (二)    原因分析    12
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