    关键词: 质量管理;关键节点;关键路径法;层次分析法;模糊综合评价
    Study on the key point of quality management

    Abstract: Currently, the development of the world economy is experiencing a shift from quantity growth to quality growth, and the market competition is changing from price competition to quality competition. Meanwhile, a management revolution, the core of which is improving the quality of both the products and the services, has been set off in the world. Quality management is the core content of much management, including project management and enterprise management. Quality management has always been a hot topic in the study of construction management, and it is the difficulty and the emphasis as well.
        This paper uses the construction project quality management as a point of departure. The theoretical basis of the paper is total quality management. Combined with the existing specific problems in the quality management in our nation, the paper will adopt the critical path method and AHP application examples of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. The paper will analyze the application examples in the key point of quality management, and rate the level of the construction quality management of the project. The optimization measures of five key points of quality management including man, machine, material, method and environment will be proposed in order to improve the quality of the product, reduce the costs, and improve the competitiveness of the enterprises.
    Key words: quality management; key point; critical path method; analytic hierarchy process; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
    目 录
    1 绪论1
     1.1 课题研究背景与意义1
      1.1.1 课题研究背景1
      1.1.2 课题研究意义2
     1.2 课题研究理论基础3
     1.3 国内外研究现状4
      1.3.1 国内研究现状4
      1.3.2 国外研究现状5
    2 质量管理关键节点的概念7
     2.1 质量的概念7
     2.2 质量管理的概念7
      2.2.1 质量管理的工作8
      2.2.2 全面质量管理概念9
     2.3 关键节点的概念12
    3 质量管理关键节点的确定14
     3.1 关键路径法14
     3.2 关键路径法的分类14
      3.2.1 箭线图14
      3.2.2 前导图15
     3.3 关键路径法的一些主要时间参数15
     3.4 关键路径法的时间计算16
      3.4.1 正推法16
      3.4.2 逆推法16
      3.4.3 节点计算法17
      3.4.4 工作计算法18
      3.4.5 正推法计算19
      3.4.6 前导图自由时差计算19
    4 质量管理关键节点的分析21
     4.1 层次分析法21
      4.1.1 确立评价指标因素集21
      4.1.2 确定各因素的权重21
      4.1.3 模糊综合评判23
    5 工程施工项目管理实例25
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