    摘要:随着我国人口老龄化进程的不断加快、人口预期寿命延长以及经济增长速度的放慢,养老和就业问题面临更加严峻的形势。在权衡养老和就业问题之间,调整退休年龄的话题成为社会各界争论的焦点。本毕业论文通过对推迟或是提前我国退休年龄的产生的利弊的定性分析,得出了提高退休年龄势在必行的结论,并在政策制定层面提出了系统的提高退休年龄的方案。首先,是提高退休年龄的原则,包括:渐进和公平;适当时机;社会目标与个人利益兼顾 。其次,是提高退休年龄的方案设计,包括: 提高劳动适龄女性的劳动参与率,逐步推迟女性退休年龄;有计划、分步骤地提高我国退休年龄;逐步取消提前退休政策;鼓励新兴老龄产业发展,提供更多适宜老年人的工作岗位。5343
    关键词: 人口老龄化;退休年龄;适度性;
    Moderately analysis on retirement age
    Abstract: With the accelerating process of China's aging population, the population increase in life expectancy, as well as the slowing down of the economic growth rate, pension and employ-
    -ment issues facing even more severe situation. In between the weigh-off the pension and empl-
    -oyment issues, the topic of adjusting the retirement age to become the social focus of public d-
    -ebate. This paper is presenting the necessary of mounting up retiring age through the analysis both of advantages and disadvantages and countermeasure of mount up the retiring age. In the meanwhile, it makes out the program to mount up the retiring age by policy.firstly,the principles of mounting up retiring age include Gradual and fair, pudding time, the balance between Social goals and personal interests.secondly,is the design of mounting up retiring age, which includes, Improving the labor participation rate of the right age female and Delaying the women's retire-
    -ment age step by step; raising the retirement age in our country graduatelly;cancling the policy of retiring ahead of schedule graduatelly; Encouraging the development of emerging aging ind-
    -ustry to provide more job opportunities which are suitable to the old.
    Key Words:  aging of population; retirement age; appropriateness;
    目   录
    一、绪论                                  1
    (一)研究背景                              1
    1、我国人口老龄化问题的现状                       1
    2、我国现行退休年龄与人口老龄化之间的矛盾                2
    (二)研究目的                              5
    (三)研究意义                              6
    二、文献综述                                6
    (一)国内研究现状                            6
    (二)国外研究现状                            7
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  2. 下一篇:上海市失地农民养老保障问题研究
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