    摘要在信息化时代,网络口碑对消费者购买行为的影响已毋庸置疑,网络口碑的研究理论也日渐完善,主要侧重于网络口碑的传播效应和口碑内容的定性研究。本文将从网络口碑质量入手,在系统回顾网络口碑、消费者行为、顾客感知价值等相关文献的基础上,将网络口碑质量划分为信息质量和来源可靠性两个构成文度,并根据信息搜寻和传递相关理论,进一步研究这些变量及变量下的各个指标对顾客感知价值和购买意愿的影响作用,以此探究网络口碑对消费者购买决策的影响机制。 本次通过实证研究调查发现信息质量和来源可靠性均正向影响顾客感知价值和消费者购买意愿,且口碑信息的完整性、及时性和信息来源的可信性以及双方的关系强度对消费者的影响作用较大。32624
    关键词  网络口碑质量  感知价值  购买意愿  信息质量  来源可靠性
    Title The Effect Of Internet Word-of-mouth On Consumer Purchase Decision            
    In the information age, Internet word of mouth on consumer purchase behavior influence has no doubt, Internet word of mouth of theoretical research has become more perfect, focusing primarily on IWOM spread effect and word of mouth content of qualitative research. This paper from the Internet word of mouth quality of in based on a systematic review of the Internet word of mouth, consumer behavior, customer perceived value of relevant literature, the IWOM quality Division for information quality and the reliability of the source of two dimensions and according to the information search and transfer the relevant theory. Further research these variables and the various indicators of customer perceived value and purchase intention impact, in order to explore how Internet word of mouth on consumer purchase decision-making influence mechanism. The study found that argument quality and reliability of source are positive influence on customer perceived value and consumer purchase intention and effect of word of mouth information integrity, timeliness and information source credibility and both sides of the relationship strength of consumers greatly.
    Keywords  Word of Mouth Value; Perceived Value; Purchase Intention; Argument Quality; Reliability of Source  
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与动机    1
    1.2  研究目的与意义    2
    1.3  研究思路与方法    3
    2  相关文献研究综述    5
    2.1  网络口碑研究综述    5
    2.2  消费者行为研究综述    9
    2.3  感知价值研究综述    11
    3  理论模型和研究设计    13
    3.1  模型构建与假设提出    13
    3.2  变量定义与问卷设计    16
    4  数据分析    21
    4.1  调查结果统计概况    21
    4.2  数据质量分析    24
    4.3  相关分析    27
    4.4  回归分析    28
    结  论    31
    致  谢    33
    附录    36
    图2.1  Gilly口碑效应模型    7
    图2.2  网络口碑影响消费者购买意愿模型    8
    图2.3  口碑信息影响因素    9
    图2.4  消费者行为基本模式    11
    图2.5  TAM技术接受模型    11
    图3.1  本文理论研究模型    13
    图3.2  网络口碑质量对消费者购买决策的理论假设模型    19
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