       当代社会市场经济发展迅速,大众文化及流行文化随之风起云涌,青少年作为特殊的群体在经济、政治、社会、文化和自身等主客观因素的诱导之下,形成自己的特殊文化,有物质文化、有精神文化,有积极的,有消极的。    5853
    关键词:青少年  流行文化  社会学
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title: The Sociological Introspection on Adolescent Popular Culture
    By market economy and social media, adolescent popular culture is adored crazily by teenagers. Not only becoming the very familiar behavior and life style, but also influencing their cognition, feelings, attitude and thinking. It is an important target for the society to guide the teenagers to understand the popular culture's forming reason and value, to learn critically, to choose intellectually, and to push the culture develop in a long and healthy way.With the rapid development of socialism market economy, public culture and popular culture rise up accordingly. As a special group, the adolescents also form their unique culture, including material, spiritual, active and negative types, which are caused by social politics, economy, culture, society and self factors.
       For this paper, I want to have sociological analysis and introspection on adolescent popular culture's forming reason and value based on theory of functionalism, conflict and change .I will explain the concept of teenagers, popular culture and sociology to make readers understand the title of this paper. Referring to researches on adolescent popular culture from domestic and abroad, I will build a structure for the birth, development and future plan of adolescent popular culture by sociological theories.Moreover, providing some basic idea and suggestions; I hope the adolescent and their culture could grow up in harmony and health.
    Key Words: Adolescent;Popular culture;Sociology  目次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1 选题的现实背景    1
    1.1.2 选题的意义    2
    2 研究问题的目的、方法、思路及难点预测    2
    2.1研究问题的目的    2
    2.2 研究思路及方法    3
    2.3 研究思路中难点预测    3
    3 文献综述    4
    3.1 相关概念的界定    4
    3.1.1 青年与青少年    4
    3.1.2 流行文化    4
    3.1.3 青少年流行文化    5
    3.1.4 社会学    6
    3.2 国外青少年流行文化研究相关理论    7
    3.2.1 成人本位向青少年本位立场过渡    7
    3.2.2 青少年文化是“青少年问题研究”的基础    7
    3.2.3 青春期反抗与社会心理    7
    3.2.4 “青春期体验”、“后喻文化”    8
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