    关键词  “新生代”农民工;劳动尊严;职业福利;影响因素
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   The investigation of decent work for new generation migrant labor force ——based on Kunshan Municipality
    The Reform and opening-up policy has brought great changes to the country’s society and its economy. The situation leads the new generation of migrant workers to confront with a new social environment, which differs from what their parents have experienced. Also a new set of difficulties and problems have arisen, especially the problems about welfare for migrant workers and dignity of the specific labor force. The researches of the lack of welfare coverage for migrant workers are still low in number, though it has already become a commonly seen problem across the country at the moment.This paper is based on the practical investigations of new generation migrant workforce. It aims to discuss the work and welfare condition of migrant workers and seek out the factors affecting the satisfaction of these workers. Researches indicate that income level greatly affects works’ satisfaction and self-esteem, and feelings of anxiety and frustration are quite common among new generation migrant workers. According to the investigations and researches, the paper also suggests that the government attach more attention to this problem and release relevant policies to promote decent work for new generation migrant labor force.

    Keywords  new generation migrant labor force;labor dignity;
    occupational welfare;the influencing factors
    目   次

    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    2
    文献综述    3
    2.1  相关概念的界定    3
    2.2  国内相关研究述评    4
    2.3  研究假设    7
    3  “新生代”农民工体面劳动问题的实证调查    7
    3.1  资料收集方法    7
    3.2  资料分析方法    8
    3.3  抽样方法    8
    3.4  变量的解释    9
    3.5  样本描述    9
    3.6  访谈案例与分析    11
    4  “新生代”农民工体面劳动的调查结论    19
    4.1  “新生代”农民工体面劳动缺失    19
    4.2  “新生代”农民工焦虑感较强    20
    4.3  “新生代”农民工工作成就感较低    21
    5  提升“新生代”农民工体面劳动的建议    22
    致  谢    26
    参 考 文 献    27
    附录    29
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景
    据国家统计局在国务院新闻办公室新闻发布会上发布的数据显示,2011年我国乡村人口约为6.6亿,乡村人口占总人口比重达48.73% ,农村剩余劳动力在农村就业不充分的情况下面临着较大的生存压力。随着制度性的社会结构松弛尤其是实行家庭联产承包责任制以来,广大农民逐步获得了流动的自由而开始进城务工,“民工潮”现象就此出现并引起社会的广泛关注。迄今为止,农民工已经成为规模庞大的社会群体,人保部2011年5月发布的数据表明:我国农民工总量已达到2.4亿人 。也有学者调查发现外出农民工数量约为1.2亿,加上在本地乡镇企业工作的农村劳动力,农民工合计约有2亿人(黄建新,2012)。从改革初期算起,农民工已经历了两代,研究显示(王春光,2001;朱永安,2005;王艳华,2008),“新生代”农民工是现今农民工群体的主体。
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