    摘  要:文化产业是21世纪的新兴产业和朝阳产业,是推动经济迅速增长的重要组成部分。各国的实践表明,在文化产业发展中政府也发挥着不可或缺的作用。政府应该在文化产业发展中发挥怎样的作用、存在哪些问题是我们探讨的关键。通过数据分析和实地访问等方法,了解到周口政府在旅游业、民俗文化产业等方面做出了很大的努力,取得了一定的成绩,但是周口文化产业的发展仍然存在产业尚未形成规模,行业门类不够广泛,专业人才缺乏等方面的问题。本文基于这些问题提出了相关的建议,周口政府应当采取制定文化产业发展的政策规划,合理开发文化资源,培养专业的文化产业人才,指导文护文化市场的发展,完善产业链等措施推动周口文化产业的进一步发展,在政府的引导扶持下使周口地区的文化产业发展更上一层楼。37521
    The government function and problems in the development of cultural industry ——In Zhou Kou region, for example
    Abstract: As the sunrise and newly-appeared industry in the 21st century,cultural industry is changing the conformation of Chinese cultural construction and development in a completely new way,The practice of countries shows that in the development of cultural industry the government also plays an indispensable role. The government should play what role in cultural industry development, what are the key to the problem is that we discussed. Through data analysis and field visits and other methods, to understand the Zhou Kou government has made great efforts in the tourism industry, folk culture industry, has made some achievements, but the development of cultural industry in Zhou Kou still exists in the industry has not formed the scale, industry is not wide enough, the lack of professionals and other issues. Based on these problems and puts forward relevant suggestions, Zhou Kou government should take to develop cultural industry development policy planning, rational exploitation of cultural resources, cultivate professional talents of cultural industry, guiding the maintenance and development of cultural market, improve the industrial chain and other measures to promote the further development of Zhou Kou cultural industry, under the government's guidance and support to the European region of Zhou Kou the development of cultural industries strive for further improvement.
    Key words: cultural industry; the government function; Zhou Kou; the problem and the suggestion
    目    录   

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、文化产业与政府职能的相关概述    2
    (一)文化产业的概念    2
    (二)政府职能的概念    3
    (三)文化产业发展中政府职能的科学定位    4
    二、周口地区文化产业发展的现状和政府职能体现    5
    (一)周口地区文化产业发展现状    5
    (二)周口地区文化产业发展中的政府职能体现    6
    三、政府职能在周口地区文化产业发展中存在的问题    7
    (一)产业结构缺乏整体规划    7
    (二)文化市场不够规范    7
    (三)行业门类不够广泛    8
    (四)文化资源未得到充分开发    8
    (五)缺乏专业人才    9
    四、对周口地区文化产业发展中政府职能的建议    9
    (一)制定文化产业发展的政策规划    9
    (二)营造良好的文化市场环境    10
    (三)完善产业链,推动相关产业发展    11
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