    传统“孝”文化对居家养老的影响       ——基于上海杨浦区五角场社区的实证研究
    Traditional filial piety culture on the influence of family endowment
    ——Based on Shanghai yangpu district wujiaochang of empirical research community
    Abstract: Ten years into the population aging in our country society, aging accelerated gradually, because of the nuclear family increases, the average family size decreases, and a serious shortage of care for the elderly members of the family, institutions endowment fee on the high side, backward management and operation mechanism,the lack of humanistic care, the old ‘pension difficult’ problems highlighted increasingly. Home pension and can meet the demand of the old man's basic endowment.The practice investigation, by collating a lot of literatures related data: new "filial piety" culture is put forward and its transmission mechanism, is to maintain the family old-age security, dealing with aging, the effective measures to build harmonious family and harmonious society.By studying the ‘filial piety’culture relations with family endowment, and analysis and endowment the new changes of contemporary ‘filial  
    piety’culture, to solve the problem of China's pension to give instructive Suggestions.
    Key words:Piety Culture; Community; Home-based care for the aged; Empirical research
    目  录
    一、引言    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究目的    1
    (三) 研究意义    2
    (四) 国内外居家养老研究综述    2
       1. 国内研究综述    2
       2. 国外研究综述    4
       3. 研究不足及展望    4
    二、 上海居家养老发展现状    5
    (一) 城市居家养老现状    5
       1. 基本情况    5
       2. 经济情况    5
       3. 居住情况    6
       4. 健康状况    6
       5. 生活自理能力和照顾状况    7
       6. 参加社区活动    7
       7. 对目前生活的满意情况    7
    (二) 居家养老存在的问题    8
       1. 居家养老服务项目少,内容简单    8
       2. 居家养老服务资金缺乏,筹资渠道单一    9
       3. 居家养老服务设施不齐全,功能设置不合理    10
       4. 居家养老专业服务队伍素质不高,服务水平低    11
       5. 居家养老志愿者服务人员管理体制不健全,可持续发展能力弱    12
       6. 观念认识不到位    13
       7. 居家养老服务参与主体单一化,受惠面狭窄    13
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