



    Abstract Urban house dismantlement has strong policy, mass organizations, and social, relationship between national economy and people's livelihood, involving many stakeholders to have an impact on all the parties, this article will study the causes and countermeasures of nail house.

        This article is pided into six chapters, the second chapter began the introduction of the concept of housing demolition, the basic procedures, land expropriation compensation system and current law, is also the main cause of "nail households" problem, the analysis for the pision of public interest. The third and fourth chapter the demolition development history, analysis the cause of the nail house, mainly from the government, developers, is to be demolished, and analyzes the laws and regulations and in accordance with the instance of the above aspects of CHONGQING nail house, also expounds the problem of "nail house" impact on the society. The fifth chapter combines the two instances of the abroad, through the demolition system the United States and Germany, in contrast with China's current laws and regulations policy. Finally make harmony demolition and subsequent Suggestions from various causes.

    Key words: "nail house"; "Government administration"; "Harmony demolition" 

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 2

    1.3国内外研究综述 2

    1.3.1 拆迁关系的主体错位 3

    1.3.2 拆迁的个人利益及公共利益 3

    1.3.3 拆迁补偿及标准问题 5

    1.3.4 法律制度的完善 5

    1.4本文的研究内容和方法 6

    第二章 城市房屋拆迁 7

    2.1城市房屋拆迁的基本程序 7

    2.2土地征收补偿制度 9

    2.3现行关于拆迁的法律条例 10

    2.3.1从征收目的方面 10

    2.3.2从征收补偿方面 10

    2.3.3从征收的补偿形式 11

    2.4拆迁中的个人利益和公共利益 11

    2.4.1个人利益的含义 11

    2.4.2个人利益与公共利益的关系 12

    2.4.3如何界定公共利益 12

    第三章 我国城市房屋拆迁的发展现状

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