    关键词: 船舶建造;职业卫生;层次分析法;模糊综合评价法;防护对策
    Occupational safety and risk analysis in the shipyard and protective countermeasures study
    Abstract: Shipbuilding industry is second only to the mining industry and the construction industry in high-risk industries, despite the use of a new type of ship models, and has been widely used in modern shipyard in China, but shipbuilding enterprises of occupational hazards is not a fundamental solution to the problem, then how to effectively control the occurrence of occupational diseases in shipbuilding industry, it becomes all shipbuilding companies face a common challenge. This first simple describes has ship construction of process, recognition has a shipyard exists of main occupational against factors, antibody out for ship construction process in the career health evaluation system of evaluation indicators, selection has levels analysis law on each indicators for weight of determines, reasonable of reflect has the factors on career health effect of important degree, then on a shipyard used has fuzzy integrated evaluation law for career health evaluation, established has a full of integrated evaluation system, last according to evaluation results, Combined with a shipyard process characteristics and occupational hazards that exist, proposes targeted protection measures, to help shipbuilders in the future further relevance of occupational health work in the production.
    Keywords: Ship construction;occupational health;the analytic hierarchy process;fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method;protective countermeasures study
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    选题背景和研究意义    1
    1.2    我国造船业职业卫生研究现状    2
    1.3    国外造船业职业卫生研究状况    2
    1.4    本文研究内容    3
    2    某船厂企业概况    4
    2.1    某船厂自然概况    4
    2.2    某船厂生产概况    4
    2.3    某船厂船舶建造过程简述    5
    2.4  本章小结    5
    3    某船厂职业安全危险性分析    6
    3.1    生产环境中的有害因素    6
    3.2    焊接中的有害因素    6
    3.3    切割作业中的有害因素    7
    3.4    涂装作业中的有害因素    7
    3.5    职业卫生管理因素    7
    3.6    员工的职业卫生意识    8
    3.7    本章小结    8
    4    指标权重确定方法和评价方法简介    9
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