毕业论文关键词:小学语文; 语文教材; 传统价值取向; 传统文化
The value orientation of this study summed up the PEP primary school language textbook on the third grade to the sixth grade in the text, which is summarized as Inpidual, Country, Nature, Family and Society。 Those five types of primary school Chinese education embodies the value orientation in the influence of Confucianism, Taoism and other traditional culture; and the value orientation analysis, found the primary school Chinese textbook has inherited the advantages of China traditional culture, there are also lack of value orientation is not balanced, the number of types are not rich; at the end of the research, provide some suggestions to curriculum standards compilation, textbook compilation and teachers'teaching in the perspective of value orientation。
Keyword: Primary school Chinese;Chinese Textbooks; Traditional value orientation;Traditional culture
目 录源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
摘 要 I
目 录 II
一、绪论 1
(一)研究的背景 1
(二)研究的目的和意义 2
1。研究的目的 2
2。研究的意义 2
(三)教材价值取向的研究现状 2
1。国外教材价值取向的研究现状 2
2。国内教材价值取向的研究现状 3
3。小学语文教材传统价值取向研究 3
(四)核心概念的界定 4
1。小学语文教材 4
2。传统文化 4
3。传统价值取向 4
二、研究过程和方法 5
(一)研究范围 5
(二)研究方法 5
1。横向联读法 5
2。文本分析法 6
3。频度分析法 6
(三)研究框架 6
1。何文胜的价值取向研究框架 6
2。本文价值取向研究框架 6
三、小学语文教材中的价值取向分析 7
(一)个人 7
1。修身立德 8
2。勤学善思 8
(二)国家 9
1。热爱国家 10