    摘要: 小学是培养学生数学计算能力的关键期,口算能力是学习数学计算能力的基础,因此,加强口算教学在小学数学教学中有着至关重要的作用。新课改降低了对小学中段口算教学的要求,一些老师误认为口算教学在中段数学教学中不重要了,致使口算教学出现了学生对口算教学的兴趣降低;学生的口算程度出现分化;教师对口算教学的方法把握不好;口算教学中练习的评价方式不当;口算教学中重练习的量轻反思等问题。解决这些问题,可以从以下方面考虑:培养学生口算练习的兴趣;对于不同程度的学生采取不同的方法;协调好口算、笔算之间的关系;讲究口算教学的评价的策略;精选训练题目,引导学生反思;口算训练常抓不懈。22597
    毕业论文关键词  小学数学;口算教学;学生
     The Mathematics Teaching Mental Arithmetic of Teaching Inquiry in Primary School
    Abstract: Primary school is the key period to cultivate students' mathematical ability, and mental arithmetic ability is the foundation of mathematics learning. Therefore, strengthening the mental arithmetic teaching plays a very important role in the teaching of mathematics in primary school.Compulsory education mathematics curriculum standards reduces the requirement of teaching, but some teachers mistakenly believe that mental arithmetic teaching is not important in the mathematics teaching any more, which leads to a bad effect: reducing the students interest in mental arithmetic mental arithmetic teaching; students appear differentiation; mental arithmetic teaching mishandled of the teacher; the improper way of mental arithmetic teaching practice evaluation and lightweight students thinking in teaching practice of heavy mental arithmetic. To solve these problems, people can be considered from the following aspects: cultivating students' mental arithmetic exercises interest; adopting different methods for different students; coordinating the relationship between the mental arithmetic and the written calculation; proper evaluation about mental arithmetic teaching strategy; selection of training exercises, guiding the students to reflect and mental arithmetic training unremittingly.
        Keywords: Primary School Mathematics; Mental Arithmetic Teaching; Students
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、口算与口算教学的基本理解    2
    (一)口算的内涵    2
    (二)口算教学的内涵    2
    二、小学中段数学口算教学存在的问题及原因    3
    (一)学生对口算教学的兴趣降低    3
    (二)学生的口算程度出现分化    4
    (三)教师对口算教学的方法把握不好    5
    (四)口算教学中练习的评价方式不当    5
    (五)口算教学中重练习的量轻反思    6
     三、解决口算教学问题的建议    6
    (一)培养学生口算练习的兴趣    6
    (二)对于不同程度的学生采取不同的方法    8
    (三)协调好口算、笔算之间的关系    8
    (四)讲究口算教学的评价的策略    9
    (五)精选训练题目,引导学生反思    9
    参考资料    11
    致谢    12
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