摘要目的:了解在校大学生对雾霾的认知程度和防护措施,为雾霾防护工作的开展和大学生 雾霾的自我防护教育方面提供相应的参考和建议。方法:通过分层整群抽样抽取杭州师范大 学的 200 名在校大学生作为样本进行问卷调查,调查内容包括调查对象的基本情况、对本地 雾霾严重程度的认知、对于雾霾相关知识的认知以及雾霾防护行为的调查等。结果:被调查 的大学生中有 144 人认为本地雾霾程度严重,占 76。2%;41 人认为本地雾霾程度一般,占 21。7%;4 人认为本地雾霾程度较轻,占 2。1%。不同性别和年级对本地雾霾严重程度的感知 差别有统计学意义(p<0。05)。雾霾知识总分为 5 分,知识得分的平均分为(2。15±1。13) 分。不同性别对雾霾成分了解程度的差别有统计学意义(2=10。88,p<0。05)。对雾霾危害 程度了解的差别也有统计学意义(2=18。62,p<0。05)。122 名大学生认为当前的雾霾问题 对自身的身体健康造成了影响,90 名大学生认为当前的雾霾问题影响出行,66 名大学生认 为当前的雾霾问题对情绪产生影响。158 名大学生愿意通过多乘公共交通工具来防治雾霾, 138 名大学生愿意购买小排量的车,107 名大学生愿意不使用一次性筷子,74 名大学生愿意 通过节约水电能源防治雾霾。150 名大学生在雾霾天减少外出,117 名大学生外出时佩戴口 罩,91 名大学生在外出归来后立即清洗口鼻、面部及裸露的肌肤,82 名大学生注意合理的 开窗通风,66 名大学生有针对性地调整了饮食,26 名大学生使用室内净化器。结论:大部分 学生对当地雾霾现状有一个清醒的认识,但对雾霾知识的总体掌握程度一般。雾霾天气对大 部分学生的身心健康和出行状况都造成了不同程度的影响。大学生在雾霾的防治和雾霾天气 的自我保护上也采取了一定的措施,但一些措施防护效果不佳,需要根据不同性别、专业和 年级对大学生进行多样化的雾霾健康教育。88581

Abstract:Objective: To understand the degree of awareness of college students and haze protection measures for the prevention of haze protection work and college students' self-protection education haze provide appropriate reference and recommendations。 Methods: 200 college students by stratified cluster sampling from Hangzhou  Normal  University  as  a  sample  survey,  the  survey  included  the  basic From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766

situation, the survey of local haze severity cognition, haze related knowledge cognition and behavior investigation of haze protection。 Results: 144 of the college students were surveyed that the degree of local haze serious, accounting for 76。2%; 41

people think the degree of local haze in general, accounting for 21。7%; 4 people think the degree of local haze is lighter, accounting for 2。1%。 There was significant difference between different gender and grade on the severity of local haze (p<0。05)。 Total knowledge of haze 5 points, the average score of knowledge into (2。15±1。13) points。 Different gender of the haze component in understanding the degree of difference was statistically significant (2=10。88, p<0。05)。 There were significant differences on the haze hazard degree of understanding (2=18。62, p<0。05)。 122 students think that the current haze problem for their own health impact, 90 students think haze problems in the current impact of travel, 66 students think that the current problems in the haze affect mood。 158 students are willing to take public transportation to the prevention of haze, the car is willing to buy a small displacement of 138 college students, 107 college students are not willing to use disposable chopsticks, 74 students are willing to reduce energy and water through the prevention of haze。 150 students in the haze days reduce out, 117 students wear masks when they go out, 91 students cleaning mouth nose, face and bare skin immediately go out after the return of 82 college students pay attention to the ventilation window is reasonable, 66 students have to adjust the diet, 26 college students by using indoor air cleaner。 Conclusion: the majority of students have a clear understanding of the current situation of local haze, but the overall grasp of the haze of knowledge in general。 Fog and haze on the majority of students' physical and mental health and travel conditions have caused varying degrees of impact。 Students in the haze and fog and haze prevention self protection has also taken some measures, but some protection measures ineffective, according to different gender, majors and grades of haze health education persified for college students。

















