摘 要本研究聚焦小学语文第二学段阅读领域合作学习的内容选择,通过文献研究法、课堂观察和访谈法进行深入研究。通过课堂观察和对第二学段4名语文教师的访谈发现大部分教师对合作学习理念理解不深入,对合作学习内容如何选择存在困惑,因此不愿意使用合作学习。另外,部分教师对合作内容把握不当,忽视了语文文本的表达特点,使合作学习流于形式。针对具体问题,结合新课标要求和语文教学特点提出合作学习内容选择的三个原则:开放性原则、探索性原则和降难提效原则。文章最后部分结合个人教学实践和对人教版第二学段四册语文教材的梳理,为第二学段阅读领域合作学习内容选择提供了可行的策略与方法:1。在关键词句处、在内容矛盾处、借助课文留白精心设计提问内容。2。善用“角色表演”激发兴趣,促进语言内化。3。巧妙使用阅读学习单,搭建合作学桥梁。88643
毕业论文关键词:小学语文; 合作学习; 第二学段;合作学习内容
Abstract This study focuses on the content selection of cooperative learning in the second stage of primary school Chinese teaching。 This study is based on literature research, classroom observation and interview method。 Through classroom interviews and interviews with four Chinese teachers in the second stage, it was found that most teachers did not understand the concept of cooperative learning and how to choose the content of cooperative learning, so they hardly use cooperative learning。 In addition, some teachers grasp the content of cooperation improperly, ignoring the expression of language features, so that cooperative learning has no effect。 According to the specific problems, combined with the requirements of the new curriculum standards and the characteristics of Chinese teaching, the author puts forward three principles for the selection of the content of cooperative learning: openness principle, exploratory principle and the principle of reducing the difficulty。 The last part of this article combined with personal teaching practice and four PEP Chinese textbooks, the author provides three feasible strategies and methods of cooperation learning content section: 1。Carefully designed the questions。 2。 Make use of "role play" to stimulate students’ interest and promote their language internalization。 3。 Build a bridge of cooperation by using prevision work sheet。
Keyword: primary school Chinese; cooperative learning; second stage; content of cooperative learning
目 录
一、绪论 5
(一)研究背景 5
1。新世纪对人才素质源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 的基本要求 5
2。新课程改革背景 5
(二)研究意义 5
1。筛选合作学习内容,让合作学习“有法可依” 5
2。为合作学习教学提出具有一定参考价值的建议 5
(三)研究目的与方法 6
1。研究目的 6
2。研究方法 6
(四)合作学习相关理论 6
1。合作学习概念 6
2。合作学习的基本要素 6
二、小学语文合作学习现状分析 7
(一)小学语文合作学习的积极影响 7