    [毕业论文关键词] 学习拖延;学习主观幸福感;小学生
    Elementary school students learning procrastination and learning of the relationship between subjective well-being
    Abstract:Procrastination is refers to the students who study in the case of time and energy are sufficient, for their need of learning task, showed a slight delay even finish the unreasonable behavior. Comprehensive delay in study all aspects of the study found that both at home and abroad, domestic study of learning delay especially students learning there are still some lack of quantity. And delay such phenomena to the pupils' learning subjective well-being of the impact of such research is very few, therefore, this study aimed at the phenomenon, boldly proposed learning procrastination and the existing relationship between students' learning subjective well-being.
    This research mainly adopts questionnaire method, taking a 4 to 6 grade students as the research object, the purpose is to explore elementary school students delay phenomenon has such a delay in the effect on the pupils' learning subjective well-being. Research shows that: elementary student's learning procrastination and there are certain negative correlation between subjective well-being.
    Keywords:Procrastination, learning subjective well-being, 4-6 grade students, related
    摘要    1
    一、前言    1
    (一)选题的背景和依据    1
    (二)目的和意义    1
    二、文献综述和问题提出    2
    (一)学习拖延的研究概述    2
    1.学习拖延定义    2
    2.拖延国内外研究现状    3
    3.学习拖延的相关理论    4
    4.学习拖延的影响因素    5
    (二)主观幸福感的研究综述    5
    1.概念和指标    5
    2.主观幸福感的研究取向    6
    3.主观幸福感的影响因素    6
    (三)学习拖延与学习主观幸福感    7
    (四)已有的研究不足与问题的提出    8
    三、研究方法    8
    (一)研究对象    8
    (二)研究工具    9
    (三)研究程序    10
    (四)统计方法    10
    四、研究结果    10
    (一)小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感的现状    10
        (二)小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感在部分人口统计学上的差异    12
    1.小学生学习延和学习主观幸福感的性别差异    12
    2.小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感的年级差异    13
    3.小学生学习拖延和学习主观幸福感在是否独生子女上的差异    14
    4.小学生学习主观幸福感在不同拖延程度上的差异    15
        (三)小学生学习拖延和学习主观幸福感的关系    16
    1.小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感的相关分析    16
    2.小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感的回归分析    17
    五、分析与讨论    17
    (一)小学生学习拖延与学习主观幸福感的特点    17
    (二)小学生学习拖延和学习主观幸福感的关系    18
    优尔、结论与建议    18
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