    摘要:幼儿期是培养孩子审美观、创新意识的关键期。因幼儿时期的语言表达能力不强,绘画活动就成为了幼儿表达情感,感受世界的一种方法。学前班是个体成长的关键时期,美术绘画活动凭借其游戏性、主体性、宣泄性、多元性的特征, 对幼儿各方面发展起着重要作用。本文通过观察法、访谈法等方法对大班额学前班幼儿绘画活动进行观察,发现活动中部分幼儿不自信;满足于临摹范画,缺乏想象创造力;教师在活动中没有顾及到幼儿的个体差异性,没有及时回应幼儿强烈表现欲望的现象。进而提出以下建议:教师应多锻炼幼儿手眼协调能力,培养其观察力;运用多种教学材料,激发幼儿创造力;学会欣赏幼儿,帮助其建立自信;多倾听幼儿心声,及时回应他们并尊重幼儿的个体差异性。37692
    Problems and Suggestions of Large Amount of Preschool Children's Painting Activity
    —Taking L primary school in ZhouKou as an example
    Abstract: Early childhood is a critical period of the child aesthetic culture, sense of innovation. Because of language skills in early childhood is not strong, painting activities became the child to express feelings, feelings of a way of the world. Inpidual preschool is a critical period of growth, Fine Art Painting activities with its gameplay, subjectivity, catharsis, persity of features, such as the various aspects of early childhood development plays an important role. Through observation, interviews and other methods for large classes preschool children painting activities were observed and found part of the activities children are not confident; meet at copying painting, lack of imagination creativity; teachers in activities without regard to children's inpidual differences no timely response to the strong desire of the phenomenon of children. And then made the following recommendations: teachers should exercise more children hand-eye coordination, to develop their powers of observation; use a variety of teaching materials to stimulate children creativity; learn to appreciate children, to help them build self-confidence; more voices to listen to children, they respond in a timely manner and respect the child inpidual differences.
    Keywords: Large amount; Preschool ; Children Painting activities
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、概念界定    2
    (一)大班额    2
    (二)学前班    3
    二、学前班幼儿的发展特点    3
    (一)身心发展特点    3
    (二)绘画象征期意识特点    3
    三、学前班幼儿在绘画活动中的问题分析    4
    (一)绘画活动中幼儿满足于临摹范画,缺乏想象创造力    4
    (二)绘画活动中部分幼儿缺乏自信    4
    (三)绘画活动中教师没有及时回应幼儿    5
    (四)绘画活动中教师没有顾及到幼儿的个体差异性    5
    四、改进学前班幼儿绘画活动中问题的建议    6
    (一)运用多种绘画工具,激发幼儿创造力    6
    (二)学会欣赏幼儿,帮助幼儿建立绘画的自信    7
    (三)多倾听幼儿的心声,及时回应幼儿表现    7
    (四)教学过程中循序渐进,尊重幼儿的个体差异性    7
    参考文献    8
    附录Ⅰ    9
    附录Ⅱ    10
    致谢    11
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