    The Problems and Strategies on the Primary School English’s leading-in in class
    Abstract: In the primary school stage, the ability of the  students  to control themselves is very weak and they don’t contact  much English knowledge, leading students generally think that English class dull as ditch water, knowledge of complex and difficult to understand.  English learning to generate resentment, hate English class. Into the classroom when good will highlight its significance in the process of classroom teaching, lead-in link is a lesson of the opening, if  English teachers can make effective use of the leading, it can as fast as it can to introduce the students to learn new knowledge of the atmosphere. So the introduction of English classroom is particularly important, the better leading in  can bring the classroom education of high quality, not only can promote encourage the students to love English class, improve the professional quality often has a positive role. This paper briefly describes some problems of primary school English teachers in the classroom into the existing link, also in view of these problems and puts forward some solving measures.
    Keywords: Primary school English ;leading-in in class; the teacher's ability
    目    录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、英语课堂导入的概念及其意义    1
    (一)课堂导入的概念    2
    (二)小学英语课堂导入的意义    2
    二、小学英语教师课堂导入存在的问题    4
    (一)导入方式选择不当    3
    (二)导入选材不新颖    4
    (三)导入时间控制不恰当    5
    三、改善小学英语教师课堂导入的应用对策    6
    (一)英语课堂导入的设计要求    6
    (二)要结合小学英语学科特点选用恰当的导入方式    6
        参考文献    9
        致谢    10
  1. 上一篇:教育实习生课堂教学常见的问题及应对建议
  2. 下一篇:农村留守儿童学习习惯的培养
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