


     Teacher student relationship "heart penalty" negative impact study - A Case Study of School XX


    Heart penalty is in the education process, the teacher in order to achieve certain purposes, such as education of students, strengthening the management class, punished students. But in the process to take a cold, isolation, threats, irony, etc., hurt students self-esteem, insult their personality, damage their self-confidence, destroy their feelings, which is the soul of the student strike and destroy. By way of a penalty calculated for each center frequency of use, type and open threats come Jieduan most frequently used, followed by the type of humiliation and indifference type Dominance came in last; students thought hurt sorted followed by public Jieduan threat type, cold type, humiliate and dominate type type type. The leading cause of heart Teachers penalty teachers pressure, evaluation mechanisms are still the most important evaluation criteria, a new type of punishment inappropriate, students in the age-specific psychological characteristics, parental pressure on teachers. Mainly from the strengthening of vocational training and improve the quality of self; respect for the students, the students understanding, trust students; to establish a good relationship between teachers and students; parents and teachers with the effort, not coddle students, respect teachers; improve relevant education laws and regulations, strengthen supervision mechanisms of these areas to find and to take effective measures to resolve the heart of the penalty, to arouse teachers examine conscious of their actions, to grasp the "criticism" and "teacher's heart punishment" balance, enhance teachers' ability to control emotions in the classroom teaching, promoting pision students develop a good relationship, and promote physical and mental health of teachers and students.

    Key words:Heart penalty;  Feeling;  negative impacts

     目 录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    一、绪论 1

    (一)综述 1

    (二)心罚内涵解读 2

    二、心罚对学生身心发展影响的调查 3

    (一)调查设计 4

    (二) 调查结果及分析

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