
    摘要: 为了研究自我调节学习效能感与学业成绩之间的相关关系,本研究采用初中生自我调节学习效能感问卷对周口市商水县姚集一中的初一至初三各100名学生进行调查,同时收集他们最近一次考试语、数、英三主科成绩的总成绩。得出以下结果:(1)初中生自我调节学习效能感在性别上的差异不显著。(2)自我调节学习效能感各年级组在0.05显著性水平上差异显著,初一与初三在自我调节学习效能感上存在着显著的差异,随着年级的升高自我调节学习效能感呈下降的趋势。(3)初中生自我调节学习效能感与学业成绩之间存在着显著的正相关关系,自我调节学习效能感能正向预测学业成绩,自我调节学习效能感越高,学业成绩越高。43087


    A Study on the Relationship Between Self Regulated Learning Efficacy and Academic Achievement of JuniorMiddle School Students                                          

       Abstract: To study the relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement of self regulated learning, This study use the junior high school students' self regulated Learning Effectiveness Questionnaire, Shangshui County, Zhoukou City Yao set in the first grade to the third grade and 100 students are investigated, and collected their recent achievement of a test Chinese, Mathematics, English three main subjects scores. The following results are obtained :(1) there is no significant difference in the gender difference of self regulated learning efficacy among junior middle school students. (2)The mean of each grade group of self regulated learning efficacy is significantly different at the 0.05 level , the grade one and grade in self regulated learning efficacy sense there is a significant difference, with the higher grade, the self regulating learning self-efficacy showed a downward trend.(3)Junior high school students' self-regulated learning self-efficacy and academic achievement exists significant positive correlation, self regulated learning self-efficacy can positively predict academic achievement.The higher self regulated learning self-efficacy, the higher academic achievement.

    Keywords: Junior high school students;self-regulation; grades;

    目 录

    摘要 1

    Abstract. 1

    引言 2

    1研究设计 3

    1.1研究对象 3

    1.2研究方法 4

    1.3研究工具 4

    1.4研究程序及数据处理 4

    2研究结果 5

    2.1初中生自我调节学习效能感与学业成绩的总体情况 6

    2.2自我调节学习效能感在人口变量学上的差异 6

    2.3自我调节学习效能感与学业成绩的关系 7

    3分析与讨论 7

    3.1初中生自我调节学习效能感在性别上的差异分析 8

    3.2初中生自我调节学习效能感在年级上的差异分析 8

    3.3自我调节学习效能感对学业成绩的关系分析 9

    4结论 9

    参考文献 10

    附录 11

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