


    The Reasons and Strategies of Inharmonious Relationship between Novice   Teachers and Students in Primary Schools                                                                                      

    Abstract: The relationship between teachers and students is the psychological relation build by the need to satisfy the association during the process of education. The good relationship build by novice teachers in primary schools attributes to their role change as well as their organization and management to the classes. Also it may help teachers achieve their teaching tasks and benefits the healthy development of teachers and students .This thesis finds out the reason why novice teachers and students have no harmonious relationship is that teachers are lack of the ability of communication and dealing with conflicts with students and they pay little attention to the students with poor scores and their commentation to students is single by summarizing the relationship between teachers and students and looking up the document literatures and interviewing the novice teachers in primary schools and combining author’s internship experience. By analyzing the reasons, author puts forward that novice teachers in primary schools need to form correct professional ethics and improve their ability to communicate and comment on the basis of building correct ideas.

    Keywords: Primary Schools; Novice Teachers; The relationship between teachers and students.

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、师生关系的概念与重要性 2

    (一)师生关系的概念 2

    (二)良好师生关系对于小学初任教师的重要性 2

    二、小学初任教师师生关系不和谐的原因分析 3

    (一)小学初任教师沟通能力欠缺 3

    (二)不善于处理师生之间的矛盾 4

    (三)对待个别后进生缺乏耐心 5

    (四)评价方式过于简单 5

    三、小学初任教师建立良好师生关系的建议 6

    (一)营造心理相容的氛围 6

    (二)提升小学初任教师的沟通能力 7

    (三)养成热爱学生的职业道德素养 8

    (四)提高教学评价能力 8


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