


    Abstract: The class cadre is the core of a class, in class and plays a leading role models, they has a decisive role in the formation of class ban fen, therefore the teacher in charge, how to prepare for the class cadre selection is also one of the focuses of the teacher in charge work. In order to understand the current situation of primary school class cadre selection way, I'm XuYiXian MB part of elementary school teachers and students in the study. Through the investigation, we found that there exist in elementary school students the class cadre selection and change the way of teacher the class cadre selection and the contradiction between students intend to, high students served as the class cadre's intention and served as the class cadre exists between the fewer the number of contradictions and the class cadre selection single unable to overcome the disadvantages of a single way, and the opportunity to boys and girls in the class cadre is uneven and so on aspects. On the basis of the specific problems, and then analyzes the cause of these problems, and puts forward the corresponding improvement strategy.

    Key words:Primary school students, the class cadre, selecting mode, the investigation and study

    目  录

    1前言 4

    1.1 问题的提出 4

    1.2 研究方法 4

    2 小学生班干部选拔与更换方式的现状 4

    2.1教师使用的班干部选拔方式与学生意愿之间存在着矛盾 4

    2.2 意愿与能力之间存在着矛盾 5

    2.3 班干部单一选拔方式存在的弊端 6

    2.4 班干部中女生明显多于男生 7

    3. 小学生班干部选拔与更换方式存在的问题及原因分析 8

    3.1 小学生班干部选拔与更换方式存在的问题 8

    3.2 小学生班干部选拔与更换方式存在问题的原因分析 8

    4 小学生班干部选拔与更换方式的改进策略分析 9

    4.1 教师要树立现代教育观念和班级管理观念 9

    4.2 综合运用多种小学生班干部选拔方式 9

    4.3 加强对小学生班干部的培养 10

    4.4 采取多种方式,提升小学生的民主素养 10

    结  语 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14


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