- 上一篇:形声字与对外汉字教学
- 下一篇:保育员专业成长的问题与对策研究
摘 要:捷克教育家夸美纽斯提出了班级授课制,于是,产生了以课堂为基本单位的教学组织形式。而良好的课堂管理则是影响教学活动的有力因素之一。
Abstract:An educator from Czech,Johann Amos Comenius found The first class teaching system .Since then,the form of teaching and learning organization whose unit base is Classroom has built up .But the powerful factor which affect teaching and learning activities is the better classroom management.
This article mainly investigate the classroom management present situation through the four elementary schools in huai an.we can analysis the current questions and reasons with the primary classroom management.Then faced with this question in the primary school class,we can suggest the management strategy .proposing to promote the best classroom management and realize the overall improvement of the students.
This article includes four chapters.Chapter I:Introduction .Mainly discussing the value and significance of the classroom management for the teacher.Chapter II :Investigate the current elementary classroom management situation and analysis the survey result.Chapter III: Analyzing the produced reasons with the classroom management.Chapter IIII:Come up with the effective strategy of the classroom management.
Keywords: primary classroom,effective management,strategy
目 录
1 绪论 4
1.1 课堂管理的价值与意义 4
1.2 课堂管理的涵义 4
1.3 当前课堂管理现状概述 4
2 目前小学课堂管理的现状调查 5
2.1 设计调查问卷 5
2.2 确定调查问卷的对象 5
2.3 分析调查问卷的结果 5
3课堂管理问题产生的原因分析 7
3.1 师生关系的不平等 7
3.2 教师中心的课堂管理模式 7
3.3 问题行为的处理不当 8
4 小学课堂有效管理的策略 9
4.1 建立和谐的师生关系 9
4.2 建立以人为本的课堂管理规则 10
4.3 课堂纪律管理的策略 10
4.4 课堂教学的策略 12
结语 14
参考文献 15
附录一 16
附录二 18
1 绪论