


    Abstract: "Active participation" refers to a kind of behavior that the inpidual students as the main body are actively and consciously involved in the learning process, and a state that inpidual students non-intelligence factors acting on intelligence activities display. Cultivating the interest is the primary task to mobilize students to have the active participation in mathematics. Creating a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, cultivating students’ active participation in mathematical thinking, the establishment situation, setting up practice cleverly, using praises skills can cultivate pupils' interest in mathematics, to achieve the aim of mobilizing students to actively participate in mathematics teaching. The harmonious relationship between teachers and students is the strong power to promote students to actively participate in mathematics teaching; cultivating students’ active participation in mathematical thinking is that develop primary school students a good habit of learning and dare to ask questions. Teachers should create a good atmosphere of questions, respect the students' questions and properly guide students to solve problems. In the mathematics teaching of the primary school, teachers should actively create favorable teaching situation, pay attention to the operation and touch of life, setting up practice cleverly and using the power of praise to maximize the active mobilization of students and make students love for mathematics more.

    Keywords:Primary school mathematics, active participation, interest, induction, situation

    目   录

    1 前言 4

    2 目前教师调动小学生主动参与方面的不足 4

    3 教师调动小学生主动参与数学教学的有效对策 5

    3.1 营造和谐的师生关系,培养数学学习兴趣 5

    3.2 恰当运用赞扬的艺术,提高小学生对数学的兴趣 5

    3.3 培养小学生数学思维的主动参与,激发数学学习兴趣 6

    3.4 创设情境,可以诱发数学兴趣 8

    3.5 巧设练习,升华小学生对数学的兴趣 10

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢

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