
    摘  要: 新课程改革倡导立足过程,促进课程评价的发展,强调建立为学生全面发展的评价体系,在综合评价的基础上,更关注个人的发展潜力等许多方面。在课堂教学中,教师对学生的评价是不同的,在不同的教学情境,其效果也不同。本文主要研究非正式评价对学生的影响,并促进教师评价方法的优化。用问卷调查的方式,在查找了大量相关资料之后,发现教师在小学课堂中对学生的评价的确存在一些不合理的因素。因此,要使教师的课堂教学评价更为有效,需要从学生的实际情况出发,关注学生学习状态,注重对情感态度、学习输入状态的评价,注重对学生学习效益的评价,改变教师的语言风格。55937


    Abstract:The new curriculum reform advocates curriculum evaluation of basing on process and promoting development, emphasize that the establishment of evaluation system for all-round development of students. On the basis of the comprehensive evaluation,we shouid pay more attention to the development of inpidual progress and many aspects.In class.,the evaluation of teachers to students is varied .In a variety of teaching contexts, the effects are also different, This paper mainly studies the influence of informal evaluation of student generated, and to promote the optimization of teacher evaluation mode. With the approach of questionnaire,I found that the teachers to the evaluation of students exist some unreasonable factors in search of a lot of related data in the primary school classroom. Therefore, to make the classroom teaching evaluation of teachers more effective,we need to base on the actual situation of the students, pay attention to students' learning state, pay attention to the evaluation of learning attitude, the input state, focusing on the evaluation of students learning efficiency, change the teacher's language style

    Key word:  class teaching ,evaluation methods,survey


    1  前言 6

    2  课堂教学评价的作用 6

    2.1  导向功能 6

    2.3  反馈调控功能 7

    2.4  鉴定功能 7

    3  教师在课堂教学中评价学生方式的分类 8

    3.1  正式评价和非正式评价 8

    3.2  诊断性评价、形成性评价和总结性评价 8

    3.3  相对性评价、绝对评价和个体差异评价 8

    3.4  外部评价和内部评价 9

    4  课堂教学中教师评价学生的总体情况分析 9

    4.1  教师表扬的影响和效果 9

    4.2  教师批评的影响和效果 10

    4.3  课堂习题的影响和效果 10

    5  如何提升教师评价学生的效果 10

    5.1  关注学生学习状态,注重对情感态度、学习输入状态的评价 10

    5.2  注重对学生学习效益的评价 11

    5.3  改变教师评价的语言风格 11

    5.4  从学生的实际出发进行评价 12

    6  结论 12

    附录 14


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