摘 要:随着社会的快速发展,在日常生活中需要与他人交流沟通的时间越来越多。如何与他人友好交往成为了一个重要技能。而在幼儿期,培养幼儿的人际交往能力,对其未来的身心发展有着重大的作用。幼儿教育工作者和家长在幼儿交往的关键时期为幼儿创设良好的交往环境,提供正确有效的交往引导,通过学习初步性的社会交往技能,逐渐培养幼儿与同伴交往的能力。但是通过在幼儿园见习期间的观察,我发现幼儿在日常生活中与同伴交往方面还存在着一些矛盾。所以,本文针对幼儿在人际交往方面出现的一些自我中心强盛,性格孤僻冷漠、存在暴力倾向等问题,提出了提升幼儿的认知水平,创设良好的家庭环境,加强教师有效引导的指导对策,为提高幼儿的人际交往能力提出一些建议。70777
Abstract:With the rapid development of the society, the demands for communicating with other people in the daily life become higher. How to make friends with others becomes an important skill. As infants, cultivating their interpersonal communication skills has a great emphasis on their future physical and mental development. Nursery teachers and parents should provide a good communication environment, correct and effective communication guidance during the critical period of infant communication development. Through learning preliminary social interaction skills, the interaction skill between infants and their friends can be gradually developed. However, as an intern in the kindergarten, I find that there is still some contradiction in the infants’ interaction with others in the daily life by observing their action. As a result, this dissertation is focused on the issues in the infant interpersonal communication habits such as self-centered, unsociable and eccentric, propensity of violence and other problems. And then some guild strategies have been proposed to these issues like improvement of infants’ moral and social cognition, creation of a good family environment, increase of teachers’ accurate guidance so as to enhance infants’ interpersonal communication skills.
Keywords:infant, interpersonal communication, guild strategies
目 录
1 前言 3
2幼儿人际交往中存在的问题分析 3
2.1 自我中心强盛、分享意识薄弱 3
2.2 性格孤僻冷漠、不与同伴合作 4
2.3 个性霸道固执、存在暴力倾向 4
3 人际交往出现问题的原因解释 5
3.1 幼儿自身认知缺乏 5
3.2 家长灌输负面影响 5
3.3 教师缺乏有效引导 5
4提高幼儿人际交往能力的指导策略 6
4.1 提升幼儿的认知水平 6
4.2 创设良好的家庭环境 6
4.3 加强教师有效引导 7
结论 8
致谢 10
1 前言