图3-5 模板DNA浓度对ISSR扩增的影响
1-4 模板DNA浓度10,20,30,40 ng
Fig.3-5 The results of ISSR-PCR with different concentration of template DNA
The template DNA concentration from 1 to 4 are 10,20,30,40 ng respectively
图3-6 Taq酶浓度对ISSR扩增的影响
1-4 Taq酶浓度分别为0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 U
Fig.3-6 The results of ISSR-PCR with different concentration of Taq Polymerase
The Taq DNA Polymerase concentration from 1 to 4 are 0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0U respectively