摘要排队论,是我们研究大数目服务过程的一门数学学科。生活中处处都有排队论的身 影,商城购物,汽车在加油站的加油过程,医院排队,计算机存储数据,银行排号,汽 车通过红十字路口,等等,都可以归结为顾客与服务窗之间的一种服务关系。76140

本文通过综述排队论的发展历史与进展,掌握排队论的概念,了解刻画排队系统概 率特性指标,以此来研究排队论理论及应用。同时,在孝陵卫苏果超市收费服务台按照 抽样调查方法采集顾客达到数据与服务时间数据,通过数据整理,估计未知参数,做数 据直方图,并用卡方检验法检验顾客达到数据与服务时间数据服从的分布,针对超市收 费服务台排队系统进行统计分析,求出排队系统的多种概率特性指标,计算出结果。

毕业论文关键词 随机服务系统 皮尔逊检验 泊松分布

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

Title Analysis the queuing systems of the cashier desks in SUGUO supermarket in XIAOLINGWEI

Abstract Queuing theory, is a mathematical discipline that we study the process of large number of service。 In our daily life, there exist many queuing phenomena, such as in shopping mall, gas station, hospitals waiting, computer data storage, bank queuing, car through the intersection of the Red Cross, etc。All of these can be attributed to a service relationship between the customer and the service window。 In this paper, we review the development history and progress of queuing theory, grasp the concept of queuing theory, and understand the probability characteristic of queuing system, so as to study the theory and application of queuing theory。 At the same time, we should collect customer arrived time and service data in SUGUO supermarket’s cashier desks in XIAOLINGWEI, in accordance with the sampling survey method。 Through the data, we can estimate the unknown parameters, make the data histogram, Pearson test customer arrival data and service time whether to obey a certain distribution。 Also,we can make statistical analysis for queuing system of supermarket cashier desks, to get the variety of probability characteristics of queuing system index and the calculation results。

Keywords  Stochastic service system  Pearson test  Poisson distribution

本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

1 绪论 1

1。 1 课题的研究背景 1

1 。 2 研 究 意 义 1

1 。 3 本 文 研 究 工 作 2

2 预备知识 3

2。1 几种概率分布 3

2。2 统计检验 3

2。3 泊松过程 6

2。 4 排队论基础理论 7

2。5 M/M/1 系统的基础理论 7

2。6 本章小结 9

3 苏果超市收费服务台的研究












