    简单地说,微分干涉相衬技术就是对Wallaston棱镜的一些参数进行改变和设计,在这里我们主要是将Wallaston棱镜的香干表面移到棱镜的外部,从而达到物镜后焦面和相干平面重合的效果,这样就可以使微分干涉相衬显微术运用于高放大倍率光学显微镜中。由于Nomarski棱镜参数之间彼此影响,因此 Nomarski 棱镜的光学系统结构的设计公式也能通过对他们之间的彼此关联的分析详细推导出来。本文中还运用了Matlab 软件对Nomarski 棱镜的光学系统结构做了具体的实例设计。并且我们选取了其中一组相对合适的Nomarski 棱镜对其进行参数设计,得到了一些中肯且价值比较高的结论。
    Title  Differential interference contrast microscopy Wallaston prism  Design and Research                                                                        
    Prism for Wallston basic design theory expounded in the instance on the basis of optical calculus formulas were analyzed Wallaston prism prism plane of the parameters and coherent position, beam angle, coherent relationship between the angle of the plane, which On this basis, a practical design was the result Wallaston prism. Also using Matlab procedures specific to the parameters calculated by analyzing the result of the operation, designed a sophisticated microscopy can be applied to measure the actual polarizing prism.
    Differential interference contrast microscopy technique is actually polarized light interferometry. Because the two beams of coherent light beam angle significantly smaller than the resolution limit of the microscope objective, which would make subtle changes in the height of the sample surface on a clear interference with a strong background light changes manifested, so that it has a shadow effect, with relatively strong three-dimensional, microscopic directly reflect the sample surface contours. Differential interference contrast microscopy with nanoscale phase resolution, can see ordinary optical microscope is difficult to observe the fine structure.
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