Abstract:Recently, the topic of "celebrity exorbitant salaries" has sparked heated debate。 True, the stars are paid a lot of money, but there is a certain degree of rationality in the shape of the screen image。 Star in this reality show emerge in endlessly, the fifth season of running man can also strengthened, in zhejiang TV ratings high, and this all be not good for you star screen image。 This article first to generalize about running man, the stars show defined, then the screen image and screen image to describe them。 Through research, to build a mimicry of interpersonal relationship, avoid the homogeneity tendency and enhance the look of a program is star screen image creation reason, and found that the star screen portrayal of the three methods, namely the continuation of type shape, subversion, shaped and bundled shape。 Finally, the inspiration for the reality show star screen image is thought, which will provide reference for the prosperous development of reality TV show。
Keywords:running man, star reality show, screen image building
目 录
一、 问题的提出5
二、 节目简介及相关概念的界定5
1。 《奔跑吧兄弟》来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 简介 5
2。 明星真人秀节目的界定 6
3。 荧幕形象及荧幕形象塑造 6
三、明星荧幕形象塑造的原因 7
1。 构建拟态人际关系 7
2。 避免同质化倾向 8
3。 增强节目的观赏性 9
1。 延续式塑造 9
2。 颠覆式塑造10
3。 捆绑式塑造11
1。 在“关系”上下足功夫12
2。 抓住有代表性的细节12
3。 用正能量度化负面情节13
最近,北京日报刊发文章,直指目前综艺节目天价片酬的问题,“1亿元制作费,8000万元给了明星。” [1]这是继影视剧天价片酬后,综艺节目天价片酬问题再次曝光,“明星天价片酬”的话题,又一次成为社会各方关注的焦点。