
    The immediacy of interpretation makes it of vital importance for interpreters to develop short-term memory. Simultaneously, it brings interpreters a heavy memory burden to restore what they have received. Any failure to restore the fleeting information may lead to disloyalty to the source language, which is to the contrary of successful interpretation.

    Thus, based on relevant studies and theories in cognitive psychology, this paper aims to search for approaches and training strategies to improve the short-term memory in consecutive interpretation. It will focus on consecutive interpretation since the overwhelming majority of universities in China offer consecutive interpretation courses and only some specialized institutions offer simultaneous interpretation courses. It is expected that interpreting learners can draw lessons from the strategies put forward in this paper and sharpen their ability to restore information by relying on short-term memory. Meanwhile, this paper is likely to enlighten interpreting teachers who are trying to usher in nascent ideas and fresh training strategies.

    1.2 The Structure of the Thesis
    This paper comprises five chapters.

    Chapter One mainly introduces the subject, aim, method and structure of this paper. It ends with the introduction of this paper.

    Chapter Two explains the definition of interpretation and its categorization and reviews previous researches in both cognitive psychology and interpretation. It also briefs the history of interpretation as a profession and cognitive psychology as an emerging science.

    Chapter Three treats of the role of short-term memory in consecutive interpretation by discussing the significance of short-term memory based on three theories in interpretation. Then it presents the characteristics of short-term memory and factors affecting short-term memory in consecutive interpretation.

    Chapter Four elaborates on three strategies to improve short-term memory in consecutive interpretation and offers examples to further illustrate the theoretical foundation.

    The last part draws a conclusion. It also points out the results of the paper and its limitation.
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