    摘 要本文主要研究的是习语翻译中的意象的转换。在文中开始详细解释了意象的概念,及中西方习语中意象的所指意义与联想意义的四种具体情况,以及习语翻译与文化意象转换之间的紧密的联系。通过对实例的对错分析,总结了在英汉习语互译中文化意象转换可行性的原因,那就是文化共核及文化包容使它相对具有比较精确的可译性。此外,影响文化意象转换的因素也存在较多,本文通过剖析其错误成因及影响,从多方面探讨了文化意象转换的具体方法。从习语翻译中文化意象的转换的实用性角度来分析其对教学及学习的助益性,从而有利于弥补学习疏漏并作为有效的教学借鉴。 关键词:习语;文化意象;转换 21897
    This paper mainly researches on the transformation of cultural image in idioms translation. It elaborates on the concept of the cultural image. Then it introduces the four situations about the referential meaning and the connotative meaning of the culture image and the tight connection between the transformation of cultural image and idioms translation. Through the example analysis on the appropriate and inappropriate cases, this paper dissects the reasons of feasibility in the English and Chinese cultural image, means the culture common core and the culture inclusion offering a comparative accurate translatability. In addition, there are many factors affecting the cultural image transformation. Through the analysis on the appropriate and inappropriate cases and their effects, specific methods are suggested to deal with the problems. Furthermore, some better suggestions are proposed for learning negligence and teaching reference.
    Key words: idioms; cultural image; transformation                                                                                
    毕业论文摘 要    .i
    Abstract    .ii
    I. Introduction    .1
    II. Cultural Image Transformation    2
    2.1 Cultural Image    .2
    2.2 Four Categories of Cultural Images. .3
    2.2.1 The Cultural Image with the Same Referential Meaning but the Different Connotative Meaning3
    2.2.2 The Cultural Image with the Same Referential Meaning but Part of the Connotative Meaning.3
    2.2.3 The Cultural Image with the Same Referential Meaning but the Connotative Meaning .3
    2.2.4 The Cultural Image with the Different Referential Meaning but the Similar Connoative Meaning4
    III. Cultural Image Transformation in Idioms Translation.    4
    3.1 The Analysis on the Appropriate Cases    5
    3.1.1 The Similar Images in English and Chinese    5
    3.1.2 The Causes for the Appropriate Cases    6
    3.2 The Analysis on the Inappropriate Cases    7
    3.2.1 The Problems in Translating the Cultural Image.    7
    3.2.2 The Causes for the Inappropriate Cases.8
    IV. The Solution to the Problems In Cultural Image Transformation    .9
    4.1 Reproducing and Translating the Image    10
    4.2 Keeping the Image with the Explanations    10
    4.3 Adding and Deleting the Image. 11
    4.4 Replacing the Image    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    The Cultural Image Transformation in Idioms Translation Between English and Chinese
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