
    2.3.2Guidance of Skopos theory in subtitle translation     8
    3. Subtitle Translation    9
    3.1  Three major functions of subtitle translation    9
        3.1.1 Conveying the intention of source text       9
        3.1.2 Communicating with different cultures    9
        3.1.3 Entertaining target audience     9
         3.2 Three major difficulties in subtitle translation     10
          3.2.1 Difficulties in transmitting intention of source text simultaneously     10
         3.2.2 Difficulties in overcoming cultural differences    10
         3.2.3Difficulties in striking a balance between two Skopos    11
    4.  Case Study: Downton Abbey    11
    4.1Background information    11
         4.2 The linguistic and stylistic features of Downton Abbey    11
         4.3Application of Skopos theory to the subtitle translation of Downton Abbe    12
    4.3.1 Strategies in transmitting the intention of source text simultaneously    14
          4.3.2 Strategies in overcoming cultural differences    15
               4.3.3strategies for difficulties in balancing between two Skopos    15
    5. Conclusion     17
    Bibliography    20
    A Case Study of Film Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of  Spokos Theory:Downton Abbey
    1.1 Background
        As a kind of mass media, movies and television dramas play a more and more important role in culture exchange in almost all the countries in the world. These movies and television dramas spread quickly and were loved by audiences on the global  scale. Nowadays, it is an indispensable part of life for most people to watch movies and television dramas in their spare time, especially for young generations who have the most interest in it and then consider it as a hobby. In order to make the foreign audience appreciate the original movies, the quality of subtitle translation is particularly important and the emerging demand of good subtitle translation also promoted our study on it. However, it seems that people pay more attention to literature translation than subtitle translation. The traditional equivalent translation and relevant theory can't adapt to their special requirements. As a breakthrough and an important supplement of traditional translation theory and translation theory studies, the Skopos theory of German functionalism undoubtedly opened a new perspective for subtitle translation theory research. Skopos theory indicated that translation is a purposeful behavior, as well as subtitle translation whose main purpose is to give specific cultural background to audiences in the most effective way under the restriction of time and space so that audiences can understand the movies better. Retaining the original sound track, subtitle translation can show us the style and features of original features, especially to young people and white-collar who are fond of it. Certainly, the lower production cost makes the translation be able to keep up with the speed of movie imports, which can present the latest good foreign movies to audiences within the shortest time. This is the reason for popularity of subtitle translation.
    1.2 Significance
        Since reform and opening up, China has a closer relationship with outside  world and earn more attention to culture exchange after entering WTO. Films and television plays have became a kind of art form that won masses’ concern since they were born. As a form of popular entertainment, films and television plays can satisfy  people in different ages, from different education backgrounds and entertain  different social groups. So to say, films and television plays is a live book full of society and culture. Therefore, audio-visual translation is a translation on culture  level more than on language level, which has great significance for global culture exchanges.
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