
    1.3 Methodology    3

    2    Literature Review    3
    2.1 Humanistic Learning Theories    3
    2.2 Definition of Emotional Resonance    7
    3 Analysis of the Current Situation According to Research    8
    3.1 A Case Study    8
    3.2 Needs Analysis    10
    3.3 Practice of Teachers    11
    3.4 Problems in Teacher-Student Emotional Resonance    12
    4 Suggestions for Effective Emotional Resonance    15
    4.1 Tips for Students    15
    4.2 Tips for Teachers    18
    5 Conclusion    23
    Bibliography    24
    1 Introduction
    English teaching is not only the process of knowledge transmission from teachers to students, but also the process of emotional resonance between teachers and students. Emotional resonance between teachers and students falls into various kinds, characters and various degrees of mutual interaction and influence, in order to establish a positive, appropriate and harmonious teacher-student emotional communication in English teaching.

    1.1 Research Background
    Under the impact of traditional teaching mode, emotional communication between teachers and students has been ignored for many years and teacher-student relations become increasingly strained. The traditional English teaching mode is centered by teachers who are not only the imparters of knowledge, but also the controller of teaching activities, students being the recipients of knowledge, the media serving as a tool for teaching, teaching material being the content of teaching, students’ marks as a reflection of teachers' teaching capacity, and classroom as the main place where teaching activities are conducted. In a word, the whole procedure is fully controlled by teachers without any possibility of students’ initiative intervention. In this way, the two parties, teachers and students, lack sufficient emotional resonance that help a lot to enhance the teaching effectiveness in English classes. This has been fully justified by humanistic learning theories.

    To make it worse, in recent years the large expansion of the size of English classes in colleges and universities in China makes it harder for English teachers to focus on the feedback of each student effectively, which causes less emotional communication and information transmission between teachers and students. Teachers have to face a large-sized class of around a hundred students, and students have less access to teachers’ questions, coaching, and interactive homework. The shrinking of personalized guidance and teaching, is not conducive to students' inpidual character development and directly affects the quality of English teaching.

    1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Research
    Humanistic learning theory, as one branch of educational psychology, is especially vital to college English teaching. This research aims at improving and strengthening the emotional resonance between teachers and students in college English classes. There is an old saying in China  “trust your master, follow his way”, which means only those students emotionally bonded with their teachers will fully follow the teachers’ instructions and regard the teachers as their role models. Strengthening the emotional resonance in college English teaching is the prerequisite for a harmonious relationship between teachers and students.

    Positive emotional resonance is not only beneficial for teachers to carry out teaching activities effectively but also helps students absorb knowledge better and thus enhancing their ability to communicate in English. College English classes should be centered by students with teachers’ guidance. So the effective emotional communication between teachers and students should not be ignored. It is imperative to raise the profile of emotional resonance between teachers and students, which can alter the conventional English teaching mode to promote common development of English teachers and students. 
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