
    However, there are many difficulties during the translation of the business contract. Firstly, the sentence structure in the English contract and the Chinese contract are not the same. Secondly, there are lots of culture differences between Chinese and English.
    In the past few years, many scholars and experts have devoted themselves to the translation of business contracts. They have applied a lot of theories to this research, all of which not only broaden their horizons but also make them know more about the translation of business contracts. “The Applicability of the Interpretive Theory in Translation of Business Contracts” written by Guo Xin (2005:32) adopts interpretive theory to translate the business contract. He upholds that the translator should adequately convey the meaning of the original contract and to ensure the authentic language to reflect the characteristics of the contract. In his theory, he thinks that translation must achieve sense equivalence. The sense equivalence referred is not on language level, but on text level. In addition to its sense equivalence criterion, the interpretive theory holds that the translation should achieve the similarities in linguistic features and writing style between the original and the translation. Sense equivalence should always come in the first, and the similarities on manners of expression second. Lei Chunlin (2008:38), in his paper “Contrastive Study on Cohesive Devices in English Business Contract Texts and Their Chinese Versions” , said that according to Carter, R. (1987), it is well known that business contracts relate to agreements or promises. It is primarily concerned with promises which constitute part of agreed exchanges. Therefore, they determine the high frequency of declarative sentences, which constitute the most part of the total. Wang Yuhui (2009:43) “Analyze English translation of business contracts from the stylistic perspective” is a study on E-C translation of business contracts on the basis of stylistic comparison between English and Chinese business contracts. With a considerable number of convincing examples, this thesis demonstrates stylistic similarities and differences at three levels—lexical level, syntactic level and textual level. Yang Fang (2005:18) wrote an article entitled “Translation of Business Contract under Systemic Functional Linguistics”, in which from the Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics perspective, using the register theory in business contract English discourse analysis, she presented three purposes: the first, to show how a systemic functional analysis can provide insight to the study of translation; the second, to test the applicability of systemic functional linguistics in discourse analysis, and the third, to show the translation standards of business contract in translation. Chen Xianan (2005:36) in her paper “Applications of Grammatical Metaphor in Business English Contracts and Its Translation” considers traditional studies limit metaphor as rhetorical and lexical means, with little consideration to grammatical metaphor. She analyzes the functions of grammatical metaphor in business contracts in the light of the Systemic-Functional Grammar and presents different ways of translation guided by the “Principle of Equivalence” Zhai Buxi (2010:15). In his thesis “On Equivalent Translation of Business English from the Perspective of Functional Discourse Analysis”, considers the main characteristic of functional analysis is the determination of the detailed information about the text. It is the prerequisite to the whole translation process. With systemic functional method, the source text can be decomposed into several meaning levels, in which functional grammar are labeled as the metafunctions (Halliday, 1994:35).
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