This paper mainly shows the significance of writing and the important role of reading-to-write approach in improving junior students’ writing ability。 

1。1 The Present Situation of English Reading and Writing Teaching in Chinese Junior School

Due to reading taking a large proportion in English exams, English teacher always pay more attention to cultivate students’ ability of reading comprehension。 At the same time, they draw less attention on writing teaching。 Some teachers even ignore writing parts in English books。 Students have few chances to practice their writing except exams。 Under this situation, no wonder that some students get good grades in reading testing while having poor writing proficiency。 

English teaching in China has been mainly pided into four parts for a long time。 This kind of traditional teaching approach leads to a condition that writing teaching is isolated from reading teaching。 When having reading classes, it would teach students to understand the meaning of whole passage and some reading skills。 In the writing classes, teachers get used to teach some skills first, and then ask students to begin to write at once。 However, besides some skills, it is also very important for students to associate writing with reading。 Otherwise, when writing compositions they will find that they do not know what to write and could not express their ideas clearly。 Although they know some new words and phrases, they do not know how to use them to make sentence。 At last, many “strange” passages may be shown up on the teacher’s desk。   

1。2 The Present Situation of English Reading Learning of Junior School Students 

    According to results of questionnaire of this paper, it can be found that Grade 8 students fail to use English words and sentence patterns which they have learned from extra-curriculum books。 Junior school students have not formed good self-study ability yet。 Without teachers’ guidance, most of them have no awareness to try to remember some good expressions and use them in compositions。 Besides, Chinese junior students have heavy homework, they are so tired that they are unwilling to do a large number of extra English reading。

Junior school students can hardly improve their writing levels only rely on writing classes, so it is a good way to integrate writing lessons into reading lessons。 The reading materials learned in the class could be a good writing model。 The students are very familiar with reading passages in the English books after teachers’ analyzing, so it would be also much easier to use good expressions which have learned in the books。

1。3 The Typical Errors in Grade 8 Students’ Composition

    The most efficient way to improve students’ writing abilities is to find out errors that they made in their compositions。 After analyzing passages written by the students in the two classes, there are several typical errors summarized。 

1) Low-level errors

 (1) I will be happiness in the future。 (an error in parts of speech)

 (2) I do exercise in this Sunday。 (A collocation error)

2) intermediate-level errors 

 (1) Behind her house has a clean river。 (Chinglish) 

     (4) We go to library yesterday。 (A tense error)

3) Connective errors (deep-level errors)

 (1) Although she sleeps very late, but。。。。。

 (2) Because they get up very early。。。。。

 (3) She is good at math, however, her Chinese is very good

  1。4 The Necessity of the Application of Reading-to-write Approach

The general problems existing in students’ writing includes all simple sentences, tense errors, and misused vocabulary and logic errors and so on。 

In order to solve these problems, students need to get more input。 However, In consideration of students’ limited time and energy, it is hard to do a large number of extensive readings。 The more efficient way is to do some purposeful reading。 The reading materials in the English textbooks are the best choice。 Teacher could help students to integrate reading learning with writing learning when they are having reading lessons。 After getting enough purposeful reading training, students are able to use good expressions from textbooks into their passages。 Gradually, students could learn how to write properly and cultivate the right thinking modes of English。

















