In addition, most of Grade 8 students have not formed good self-study abilities and self-discipline yet。 If there is no teachers’ guidance and supervision, students cannot keep finding good expressions from textbooks consciously。 So it is very necessary to using reading-to-write approach in class。

Goodman (1970) thinks that reading is a process of choosing。 The reader does not accurately perceive and read all of language composition。 He chooses the most useful clues to understand the whole passage。 It means that the reader may neglect some wonderful expressions which can be used in writing。 Reading randomly maybe lead to low efficiency, it’s necessary to let teacher guide students to read purposefully。 In this study, students are guided to learn something from the text, like different sentence patterns, precision diction, passage structures and writing skills based on understanding the text。

Liu ye points that “writing and reading processes provided the platform for creating meaning thought a written text, which is shaped by the writer and interpreted by the reader。” Both reader and writer rely on the text model to express their opinions and feelings。 So reading and writing are related closely。 “If second language acquisition and the development of writing ability occur in the same way, writing ability is not learned but is acquired via extensive reading in which the focus of the reader is on the message”(Krashen, 1982:23)。 Reading is productive because the readers always get some information from the text he reads, draws some conclusion on the text he reads。 Without reading, it is rather difficult for one to learn to write。 As the theories mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that it is necessary to integrate writing with reading。 

There are some teachers who have already applied reading-to-write approach in their teaching。 (Liu Ye: 2007 Lu Zhenhui: 2012) They directed students to learn writing compositions which were based on a given text。 The writing tasks such as rewrite the text and make a summary of the text will force students to use some expressions in the text。 In this ways, students begin to get familiar with some good expressions from the text and could use these expressions in their compositions, so that they could gradually improve students’ writing abilities。 

1。5 Research Questions

This paper will analyze and classify junior school students’ English learning condition。 It mainly focuses on the application of reading to write approach in English writing class which materials come from the reading parts of textbooks。 

The research questions are as follows。

    (1) Can the application of Reading-to-Write approach improve junior school students’ English writing ability?

(2) What aspects of junior school students’ English writing can be improved through Reading-to-Write approach?

1。6 The Outline of the Paper

    The paper contains five chapters。 

    The first chapter is about the background of the research which will analyze the presentation of reading and writing teaching in Chinese Junior School and the learning psychology of junior school students, showing the typical errors in Grade 8 students’ composition the necessity of the application of reading-to-write approach。 

    The second chapter is about literature view which is pided into two parts: previous researches of writing instruction and reading-to-write approach including its theoretical bases, feasibility and advantages。 

    The third chapter mainly talks about the implements of the research。 The author will propose researcher questions, studying participants, experimental materials and procedure。

    In the forth chapter, the author will investigate the data of experiments。

















