3。 British Desert Island Literature

3。1 The concept and features of desert island literature

In general, desert island literature is a relatively broad concept that all the literary works set on desert islands can be named desert island literature which can be shown in various forms like novels, poetry and drama。 Desert island novels are a novel form, taking remote and undeveloped islands as scenes of stories, Robinson Crusoe a representative work。 

Desert island literature is a diachronic literary phenomenon。 Different from romantic literature and realistic literature, it, in the western literary history, isn’t an inherent literary genre because of its own characteristics not only on story structure but also on writing purpose。 First of all, a desert island literature work is usually set on a desert island which carries a specific symbolic meaning。 Besides, on processing the novel structure, the writers tend to the application of a trilogy-- the protagonist is trapped on a desert island,  then begins to explore, and is rescued finally。

In terms of the structure, almost all the desert island novels apply this kind of trilogy, such as Robinson Crusoe, The Coral Island and Lord of the Flies。 In these novels, the protagonists are trapped in a desolate island for some external factors, like the wrath of God, rainstorms and wars and so on, which are so formidable that human can’t overcome by their own willpower, and then they encounter all kinds of sufferings and difficulties。 In addition, as for the theme of desert island literature, it’s a generalization of the hardship of a protagonist。 One of its characteristics is that the hero’s activity is limited in an island, detached from the real society。 This helps the writer grasp and process the plot because when the hero is isolated from the society and isn’t bound by the current civilization, the writer can explore human life and human nature according to his own imagination and life experiences。 

Desert island literature possesses three characteristics。 First of all, it’s the experimental literature。 To a writer, an island, without a name, a history and disturbance from mankind and the civilization, is much more experimental。 The writer consciously puts the protagonist into such an isolated environment and observes his change under the primitive state。 The changing process he finds without doubt is closer to human nature。 Secondly, it’s considered as construction literature。 When the protagonist is in a primitive living environment, he has to rebuild everything based on the ancient civilization。 In the process of the construction, things that do not exist in the old society, like law and democracy, inevitably integrate into the new society。 Thirdly, desert island literature is also considered as adventure literature。 The protagonists run aground in an uncivilized land full of the unknown。 But to survive in such a harsh climate and adverse environment, they have to take adventures, which vividly illustrates the point that where is a will there is a way。 Additionally, in art technique, many authors describe their protagonists through a realistic or romantic way to compliment the good of human nature while Lord of the Flies by William Golding exposes the human nature on a negative side。  文献综述

3。2 The origin and development of desert island literature

As is well known, the geographical location of a country plays a decisive role in the livelihood of its people and the building of literature and art, so it can be easily understood that the birth of desert island literature has an inevitable connection with British geographical position and ethnic identity。 In Wei Yingchao’s opinion, England is an oceanic nationality。 The main characteristic that distinguishes an oceanic nation from a land locked one is its nature of stubbornness and adventurousness and enthusiasm for expansion。 Since the narrow island nation can not carry British desire of infinite expansion, vast oceans become the outside world people attempt to conquer。 Generations of heroes embark on the overseas expansion and develop the little island nation into a big empire, on which “the sun never set”。 It is the boldness and bravery that make the heyday of Britain。 

















