3。1 Words 6

3。2 Sentences 8

3。3 Rhetorical methods 10

4 Discussion 13

Conclusion 14

Acknowledgements 15

References 16

1  Introduction

1。1  Research background

By searching through the CNKI, using the keywords “children's literature translation” to retrieve the information, we can know that: before 2000, all of the related papers in total are less than 10。 But the period from 2000 to 2010, there are hundreds of relevant papers。 And in recent 5 years, we can found that the annually submitted relevant documents are gradually increasing until currently the annual submissions can reach more than 60 to 80。 And now, the total number of papers can reach about 500, including no more than 20 articles on the core journal, which accounted for more than half of the share of master's thesis。 Thus, the research on children's literature translation is receiving more and more attention, but the status of children's literature in the academic world is still relatively low。 And only less than 5 theses are talking about the interest of children’s literature。 And the research tendency has obvious changes。 Li & Zhu (2015) discussed that the views on children had a great change from the latest 19th century to the early 21st century, concluded and pointed out that children’s literature translation has been changed from home-orientation to the nation-orientation, from adult-oriented to child-oriented。 Ying (2015) conclude that the foreign translation mode in recent 30 years is about combining the internal (words, sentence, and rhetorical) and external (historical, social, and political context) aspects。论文网

The famous child psychologist, Maria Montessori, pointed out in her book The Secret of Childhood that only children from 0-3 years old obtain information unconsciously, after 3, consciously。 She pided children into three groups 0-6, 6-12 & 12-18。 Especially, from 6-12 is the most important period of children to build their characteristics, and to form their value systems。 So the author study the children’s literature translation based on the group of 6-12。 And John Dewey said that children’s study is positive, active and creative in his book Democracy and Education。 So we still have to stimulate their gift and nature by words。 We should take the research object as the group of children from 6 to12。 This group of children can think, speak and learn with consciousness。 And the translation should satisfy this group of children, the child-orientation should match their thinking patterns。  So she believed that children’s literature should satisfy their own needs and match their knowledge。

1。2  Significance of the study

Children’s Literature is a special branch of literature as creator of is adults, but the receiver is children。 So there must be some contradiction between the two groups。 The development of Children’s Literature is becoming a very important part of world literature attributes to the formation of the consciousness that children are independent in the society and the recognition of children’s social status。 A good children’s literature must satisfy children’s psychological, emotional and educational requirements, should be cognitive, aesthetic (Chilewska, 2009; Chen, 2012; Zhang, 2013) and the language should be readable and interesting as well, which means that the children’s literature creating must be child-oriented。 Firstly, children can learn words, grammars and other information from an educational literature; secondly, a readable literature means that children can understand it; thirdly, children are more likely to focus on an interesting book。 And those reasons are why the literature should be child-oriented, with words that children can understand。 The interest of children’s literature is basically created by the words, so the translation can affect it directly。

















