Abstract:In this paper, mainly discussed of a new energy demonstration boat for small water surface is designed for teaching activities and new energy. After the investigation and analysis of teaching ships and new energy ships, combining the advantages and disadvantages of various types of ship, referring to the appropriate mother ship, the overall design of the demonstration boat has been carried out. Through the research and analysis of the ship modeling, the modeling design of the display boat was carried out, and the appearance of the boat was drawn by using 3Dmax software.
The structure of this paper is arranged as follows:
First of all, in the introduction, it describes the research background and significance, and puts forward the main design content and methods.
Secondly, in the second chapter, the types of new energy display ships are briefly introduced, and the application of new energy sources in ships is analyzed.
Then, in the third chapter, the main dimensions of the mother ship are taken into consideration. The main dimensions of the display boat are determined, and the contour lines are drawn. The static hydraulic characteristics and the rapidity of the designed boat are estimated.
Finally, the modeling of different ships is investigated and analyzed, and the 3D model is modeled by 3Dmax software.
Keyword: teaching ship; general layout design; 3D modeling; new energy ship
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2教学船舶发展现状 1
1.3研究内容及方法 4
1.3.1主要研究内容 4
1.3.2研究方法 4
第二章 新能源动力船舶 5
2.1新能源动力船舶现状及发展趋势 5
2.1.1风能 5
2.1.2太阳能 6
2.1.3核能 9
2.1.4燃料电池 10
2.1.5海洋能 11
2.2本船展示的新能源 12
第三章 总体设计 13
3.1船型选择和总布置设想 13
3.1.1船型的选择 13
3.1.2小水线面双体船船型特征 13
3.1.3总布置设想 14