Because phosphorus oxychloride is a useful basic chemical raw materials, has a wide range of uses, if the production of cyclopropane production process of phosphorus oxychloride from the reaction system separation, prepared into commercial phosphorus oxychloride, then Is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. According to the preliminary experiment, the method of recovering phosphorus oxychloride from chlorination in the chlorination reaction is put forward, and the method of separating the boiling point of each substance is proposed. The boiling point of each material is 1-cyclopropyl-1,1-dichloroethane boiling point of 130 ℃, chlorobenzene boiling point of 132.2 ℃, phosphorus oxychloride boiling point of 105.8 ℃. Chlorinated products based on the heat-sensitive, the decomposition of the thermal temperature of about 80 ℃, it must be under reduced pressure distillation. At the same time phosphorus oxychloride melting point is 1.25 ℃, in the cooling process may be crystallization, the temperature of the coolant can not be too low, vacuum distillation when the vacuum is also limited. So for the recovery process of phosphorus oxychloride distillation tower design. The recovery stage will use the tray number 30, height 10m, tower diameter 400mm packing tower, through the vacuum distillation is expected to be able to recover more than 90% of phosphorus oxychloride, so that phosphorus can not only reduce the environmental Pollution, but also can be fully re-use, access to economic value.

It is hoped that the process will be developed and designed to ensure the production and quality of 300 tons of cyclopropylene acetylene, and it is hoped that a green, efficient and economical process for the synthesis of cyclopropane will be found.

KeyWords:Cyclopropyl methyl ketone;Cobalt acetylene Molecular;Industrial production

目  录

1 引言 1

1.1 选题的背景 1

1.2 本工艺设计的意义 1

1.3 国内外环丙基乙炔的合成工艺进展 3

1.3.1 以环丙基甲基酮为原料的旧工艺路线 3

1.3.2 以5-氯-1-戊炔为原料工艺路线 3

1.3.3 以环丙基甲基醛为原料工艺路线 4

1.3.4 以其他含炔基化合物为原料工艺路线 4

1.4 发展趋势 5

1.5 本工艺设计的内容 5

2 生产控制指标 7

2.1 原料 7

2.1.1 环丙基甲基酮 7

2.1.2 五氯化磷 7

2.1.3 氯苯 7

2.1.4 三乙胺 7

2.1.5 二甲基亚砜 7

2.1.6 氢氧化钾 8

2.2 产品及中间体 8

2.2.1  环丙基乙炔 8

2.2.2  三氯氧磷 8

3 设计指导思想和设计原则 9

3.1 指导思想 9

3.2 设计原则 9

3.3 厂址选择 9

4 生产方法与工艺流程 9

4.1 反应方程式 10

4.2 生产工艺流程框图 10

4.3 工艺流程叙述

















