    摘要:    本课题以智能家电、物联网为背景,节能减排理念为宗旨,电力线载波通信技术为嵌入点,通过感应器及远端监控系统来控制教室内的日光灯、电风扇等用电设备,从而达到节约用电效果。本课题主要分为以下三个模块:以Arduino控制板为核心硬件模块,以PC机为核心的远端监控的软件模块,以UDP为协议,网线及电线为媒介的通信模块。本课题的工作模式主要分为以下两种:在自主运行模式下,Arduino控制板直接处理获取到的各传感器数据,控制教室内的用电设备;在PC机监控模式下,Arduino控制板则是将数据上传到PC机,PC机将处理这些数据,并将结果发送给Arduino控制板,进而控制教室内的用电设备。本课题的难点主要有温度信息的采集及处理,Arduino控制板与PC机通信的可靠性,PC机端的多线程、数据库编程。7567
    关键词: 节约用电;Arduino控制板;远端监控;电力线载波
    The development of classroom energy-saving device
    Abstract:  In the background of intelligent home appliances and the Internet of things, the concept of energy-saving and emission-reduction for the purpose, we use sensors and remote monitoring system to control the electrical appliances in the classroom such as fluorescent lamp and electric fan, so as to achieve the effect of saving electricity. This topic is mainly pided into the following three modules: the hardware module with the Arduino control panel as the core, software module for remote monitoring with PC as the core, communication module with network and power line carrier as a medium, based on UDP protocol. The working mode of this topic is pided into the following two modes: in autonomous operation mode, the Arduino control panel deals directly with the data acquired by sensors, controls the electrical appliances in the classroom; in the PC control mode, Arduino control board is to upload the data to the PC machine, PC machine will deal with the data, and send the results to the Arduino control panel, and then the panel will control the classroom electric appliance. Difficulty of this project is mainly temperature information acquisition and processing, the reliability of communication between Arduino control board and PC, multi-thread, database programming in the PC machine terminal.
    Keywords:    saving electricity; Arduino control panel; remote monitoring; power line carrier
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.2    研究目的与意义    1
    1.3    国内外研究现状和发展趋势    2
    1.4    教室节能装置介绍    2
    2    分析    4
    2.1    需求分析    4
    2.2    可行性分析    4
    2.3    系统分析    5
    3    设计    7
    3.1    ARDUINO硬件平台的搭建    7
    3.1.1    Arduino Duemilanove控制板    8
    3.1.2    Arduino Ethernet W5100网络拓展板    8
    3.1.3    温度传感器与人体红外传感器    9
    3.1.4    ZPL-210电力猫    10
    3.1.5    硬件连接    10
    3.2    ARDUINO软件设计    11
    3.2.1    传感器信息采集及处理    11
    3.2.2    自主运行模式    12
    3.2.3    远程监控模式下的Socket编程    13
  1. 上一篇:AT89S52单片机智能小车控制系统设计+电路图
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